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Mamiya 645 pro tl over exposed half image


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I just bought a used 645 pro tl and was playing around with it with my strobes.

The resulting images are very disappointing because the left half of the image

is washed in white(where the light was positioned) and the right side looks ok.

I metered it using a manual light meter.


What did I do wrong here? Images I've shot without strobes came out just fine.

With using strobes, do I still need to follow the recommended flash sync of 1/60?


Please help.




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You haven't mentioned what shutter speed you were using.


I would imagine though that if 1/60 is the recommended flash sync speed, that or slower would be appropriate.


Could it just be a metering error? If your other shots are coming out okay, then that would eliminate shutter malfunction as a factor.


Other than that, are you sure the strobe was positioned out of the picture area? Did you use a lens shade?


Maybe someone else can come up with something more definitive....

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"""With using strobes, do I still need to follow the recommended flash sync of 1/60? """



Any speed faster will result in a blacked out section of film. You could have several issues. First is the direction and coverage angle of your flash. Second, is check the shutter curtains. One could be hanging up.

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You simply exceeded the synch speed of the shutter. This is easy to diagnose because of the placement of the lighter portion of the frame in your exposures from your description.


1/60th is it, regardless of the strobe used. You asked if the rule for synch was the same. Yes, it is. That is the short answer.

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I figured it out! I thought 1/60 flash synch was only for portable flash but it is also for strobes.


Thanks again everyone for the help. Here are samples of the test I did. Pardon the dust and blown highlights and other imperfections.








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With a sync that slow, it applies to both strobes and portable flash. It's only with the fast sync's that you get differentiation. Strobes become problematic at higher sync speeds, portable flashes will happily sync at high speeds due to the short flash duration. I'd try and stick to 1/125 or maybe 1/200 max with strobes(if your camera/lens supports it).


Note that if you need higher sync, the L/S and N/L leaf shutter lenses will sync to 1/500th when using the lens shutter. The N/L lenses also will interface with the WG401 winder for the Pro/ProTL to allow AE with the lens shutters.

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