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Lee Filters on 50mm CFi - Vignetting?


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This is sort of a follow up to an earlier question about Lee Filters on a 50mm CF lens.


My local camera store (Keeble and Shuchat in Palo Alto, CA) suggested a way of checking for vignetting:

look through the back of the camera (while the shutter is held open) from the corners to see any

vignetting at various aperture settings. Using this method, I was able to determine that vignetting will

occur - even at f22 - on a 50mm CF lens, while using the Lee wide angle adapter. Too bad!


So...my question is...does anyone have any experience using the Lee filter system on a 50mm CFi lens? I

am hoping the larger filter diameter (Bay 70 versus Bay 60) will eliminate vignetting. The set up I have in

mind is a Bay 70 to 77mm adapter + Lee 77mm wide angle adapter + Lee wide angle hood with two slots.

Hopefully this will work, because I find ND grad filters so useful for landscape compositions.


Thanks, Ken

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I use a Hasselblad 50mm lens and even the wider 903SWC. I then use the Lee Foundation kit Holder and a number of gradient filers/polarizers and warm ups in my camera arsenal. I have never had a problem with vignetting. Instead of using that method from the camera store have you actually checked the positive or negative for vigetting?


I honestly don't think you need the hood. Its a total waste. I have shot hundreds of rolls and have never had a problem. Plus, since you will be using ND filters, i would assume you will be shooting sunrises and sunsets. You don't need a hood for this as you will be shooting into the sun. I personally find the lens hood totally overrated. Just get the regular holder. It will work great!

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