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where can i see your work?


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a question a few threads back made me think how interesting it would be to to see the work of some of the contributors here. we seem to have a wide range of both technological expertise and photographic vision represented here. some of us do commercial work, some are artists, some teach and some are learning, some, apparently, simply live photography. if there is a website where your work is displayed, please post the URL and let's share some of what we see in the world. (i do HABS/HAER work in oregon - bridges, historic architecture, etc. - http://www.odot.state.or.us/eshtm/cult.htm )
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Have I met you? I met someone who shoots HABS/HAER in Oregon at the

Historic Roads conference in Morristown, NJ a few months ago. I also

do HABS/HAER extensively, but here on the East Coast mainly, though

I've done the Klamath County Courthouse and the Molalla High School in

8x10 out your way. I do not have a site as of yet but will soon I

hope. We are working on it.




Rob Tucher

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I finally got my site back up and working (@Home made some changes,

thank you very little) and am in the process of getting things

reformatted so there may be some inconsistency in the way pages look.

That being said, here's my site:








Like so many of the others I have enjoyed seeing all of you folks

labors, congratulations and thanks for sharing.

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