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stained glass, color temp and natural light


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Just shot a wedding in an old church with lots of stained glass. During the

ceremony I shot some flash and some natural light. As I am processing the

photos, it seems that the correct color temp is real low. mTo get good looking

images, I am setting the WB at around 3,500. I shot RAW, so it's not a problem

adjusting the WB, just seemed odd. Any similar experiences out there?

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What I do with professional interiors (not normally with weddings) is create pieces of the image in Raw. Make a file with the correct exposure and WB for the windows. Then make a file with the correct exposure and WB for the interior lighting.

Now with the extract tool- cut out the windows from the first file and place them in layers over the interior light shot. You can tweak all the color balance and exposure using levels for each layer till you like the final effect.

..how to create the perfect picture..

I might do it for a couple of "signature" frames from a wedding but I'm not going to spend the time that I would for a commercial assignment - interior architectural shoot.

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Jack has a great idea and it's something silimar to what I do, same end result, different path.


For weddings, and they have glass, I don't worry about the color balance of the windows, especially if they behind the b/g, I try to adjust for the brightness of the window so it exposes properly, and then fill flash the b/g and they become color-correct.

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