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Linhof Master Technika & digital back


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Hello everyone,


Is there anybody using this combination of equipment: Linhof Master Technika 4x5 with a digital back

(48x37mm) on a sliding adapter?


I have read that Linhof has come up with a new sliding adapter that allows horizontal sliding (2 frames, I

believe) and vertical shifting of 15mm each way (up and down). Anybody using it?


Any comments will be appreciated. Thanks!

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hi robert,


i put up a similar question a few months ago.



nothing but a very helpless answer came up recommending to get in touch with linhof for

them to sell me a digital back.

i myself am very interested in hearing any comments from people actually using the gear

announced with introducing the MT 3000. i would love to know whether an MT or ST V

actually work with digital, because for some of my projects digital may help shooting

being able to see immediate results. so i strongly hope someone has had experience with

that in the meanwhile.



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Linhof has introduced the Linhof Master Technika 3000 which replaces the 2000. Along

with that introduction Linhof introduced a sliding back for digital backs on the Master

Technika 3000.


Also introduced was a conversion kit to allow Master Technika camera without spliding

stops to remove the back and all Technika 2000 models which allows all Master Technika,

Super Technika V and Super Technika IV cameras. The Technika Rapid Shift Adapter

accepts Linhof Universal camera plates on one side and a ground glass on the other.

These plates are available for Hasselblad V, Hasselblad H, Mamiya 645 AF and Contax 645

camera backs. Thus any digital back that fits any of these MF camera bodies will fit the

Linhof Master Technika.


In addition Linhof makes the 001643 45 Graflock to Hasselblad V adapter. This allows any

digital back that fits the Hasselblad V to be used on any camera with a 45 Graflock back.

Additionally Linhof also makes a similar adapter to mount Hasselblad V compatible backs

on to the Linhof TechniKardan 23S.


Lastly all of the adapter plates that fot the Rapid Slide adapter for the Technika also fit

either of the Rapid Slide Adapters for the Linhof M679cs camera as well as fit onto the

Universal Back Adapter for the Linhof M679 through 679cs models.


So yes, there are people using the Technika with the new shift adapter but: Your camera

may need the modification kit and the M679 or the TK45S is much more convenient if

short lenses are being used.

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Thanks Antonio and Bob for your answers but let me extend a little bit more on my



Providing that I am shooting with a 48x37mm Digital Back, how many frames can I stitch

together and what would the final format be after the stitching and the shifting is done: 48

+48x37+15up+15down? (does it make a sense?)= 96x67mm...????



(that's how is it named) is under the code 001618, am I right?


Also, let me post another issue related to the Linhof Master Technika 4x5.

The widest lens I could use when shooting film was the 58mm, mounted on the special

Wide Angle Adapter. Obviously I would want to go wider than that with the Digital Back, so

here is the issue: can I mount 35mm and 45mm lenses on Helical focusing mounts and

use it with this camera? If so, would the lens have to be on the main bed or on the Wide

Angle Adapter?


Thanks a lot for your comments again.

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i cannot answer your question concerning the stitching.

where the wide angle is concerned, i believe using lenses that short would rather require

the master technika 3000 with its specific wide angle capabilities. as far as i know the

master classic only allows for lenses as short as 38mm with helical focus.

you can doublecheck that on the linhof site or wait for bob to drop in ;-)



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You can buy shorter lenses in special Linhof helicals that are mounted on special Linhof

boards. These are only sold complete by the factory. So these are much more expensive

then just buying say a 35MM Apo Sironar Digital HR with the focusing mount Rodenstock

makes for it. But if you had that combination you would still need the custom board for it.


It would be much easier to just do it with the M679cs then with the MT if short lenses are



Sorry about the number for the Graflock adapter. It is 001693.

There is also adapter 001697 which allows the use of the 2 sliding backs for the M679cs

to be used on Linhof Kardan, Sinar, Horseman and Cambo cameras with the proper



Linhof does not state the size of the stitched image on the MT. They do give a final size

for a stitched image with the M679cs sliding back for a 49 x 37mm chip. The stitched

size would be 49 x 71mm. The addenda instruction book we have shows the shift back

for the 3000 but gives no specs on it.

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  • 1 year later...

<p>thread is fairly old, but in the meanwhile i had the opportunity to test a phase one 39 mp on the old rapid sliding back (1960's?) plus linhof adapter plate for hasselblad V on a technika V. works perfectly.<br>

i needed to know for a shoot with a horse which is moving all the time. so using film would be more of a waste of time and material and the chance of getting everything the way i want it is better with digital capturing.<br>

but the test shows even the old technikas are fit for a future without film. no need for any later sliding backs ... $$$;-)<br>

but i will keep on shooting film since i simply love it in this format.</p>

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