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I think I broke my D70s


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Hello Everyone,


So, I'm sitting in my living room with my D70s on the coffee table. It gets

bumped and falls off the table, a fall of about 2 feet. Unfortunately, that was

enough. When I fire it now, it does something very similar to the mirror lock

up. I fire, the mirror locks up and I get a eRR, I press the shutter again and

the shutter comes down but it almost flutters. No image of any kind is recorded.

No new file is made.


I just started university and I can't afford to have it fixed. It's warranty is

up. Anyone have any idea what the problem could be and perhaps how I can fix it?

I can't afford a new camera, so please don't even suggest it. It's too painful

to hear.


Let me know if you need any more specific details.


Thanks a lot,



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Cory do a reset using the reset button. Take the battery out and back in. Dismount the lens and re-attach. Check if you can see any sign of damage while you do all this. Check if all switches are in the correct position - move each back and forth and into correct position. Pray.


You might be lucky and this helps. I have seen switches in half-position and similar things. A fall off the table is nothing that will normally harm a D70s. The body is plastic - yes but it is stronger than it appears - hope you did not have that rare bad luck needed to brake a D70s from a fall like this.


Fingers crossed.


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Hi Cory, just to add to what Walter said...what lens are you using? If it is NOT a Nikkor G series lens (one without the adjustable stops) make sure that your lens is set at the minimum f stop(usually f22). My D70 gives me the ERR message when I am using a lens with adjustable stops and it got bumped off f22...Let us know how you did!


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Put wishful thinking aside...


a drop is a mechanical "experience", and solution may be needed of the same nature. Solutions already recommended is perhaps all that you could do, besides praying...


I would not recommend dropping the camera again, but who knows ? it could possibly help. Inspect the camera inside if you see any breaks, misaligments, broken off parts, etc., and possibly you could "shake" it back gently into working condition, hear is anything is rattling inside.

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I had that exact problem and err message after a D50 fell off a counter. I tried everything

and ended sending it back to Nikon for a check and repair.

I don't remember the price but I think it was about 150-200 or so to get it all fixed up. I

think you can have an estimate done for about 40-50 bucks.


Good luck.


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You'll probably have to send it back to Nikon, but before you do, try all the ideas above. I would try setting it to the green auto mode and see if it will shoot. If it does, that means one of your settings is off. If not, then it is something mechanical. I'd try different lenses as mentioned, and try taking out the card and reinserting it, try a different card, re-format the card, etc. Let us know how it turns out.

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Wow, thanks everyone for the super quick responces! I did everything suggested. I broke it all down, put it all back together. Nothing. I did that about 25 times, I know that's a little crazy, but I love this camera. Then I did try dropping it again, the same way, but nothing. I called up Nikon, but my warranty has been up for a long time. The estimate, without sending it in, was about $500. I finally gave up and hit the streets of Toronto and ended up finding a D100 (pretty much the same camera) for $500. I managed to talk the clerk down to $300. So, while I'd rather still have my D70s, the old D100 is a decent replacement.


Thanks again, everyone, for all your help. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who's done this. As for the D300; why not just buy the D3x!? In fact; D3X s for everyone!


Thanks again,



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Hey Guys,


Want to hear something funny? I dropped it a third time and now it works. I almost want to keep my D100 now, but as a student I can justify that kind of money wasted on a camera I don't need anymore.


Once again, thanks to everyone! Frank Skomial, you're the winner! I know you didn't really want me to drop it, but it was broke anyway, so I figured I'd give it another shot.


Thanks for a sixth or seventh time,



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