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They were matched to the camera they were made for. Special

mounts, levers, etc.




But all process lenses are designed for the same purpose.




making seps and copys from fat field originals at a specific

aperture (600mm + at f32 only, shorter versions at f22 only).




They are outperformed by other lens designs for 3 dimensional

objects at any ratio the lens is designed for. Also other designs

perform better over a wider range of apertures then a process

lens does.

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when you say "designed for" what does that mean. For instance, I

have looked at prints made from schneider and rodenstock 360mm lenses

as compared to an apo-nikkor 360 mm lens. all shot at infinity focus

at the same subject on the same film developed for the same time.

except for very tiny differnces in contrast my eyes could not see a

difference in terms of sharpness or quality, and in fact the apo

looked sharper even though it was designed for 1 to 1 ratios.





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I own Apo Ronars, Apo Nikkors, Sironar N's, Apo Tessars, Super

Angulons, etc...

If you make contact prints from negs. made from any of these large

format lenses you cannot tell the difference in sharpness.

If you do still life photography like product / table top the Apo

Nikkors and Apo ronars are extremely sharp with incredible color and

contrast. But these lenses do have a narrower angle of view and will

not allow for extreme camera movements.




My all time sharpest lens (that I unfortunaly sold at a careless

moment) was an 180mm Apo Nikkor process lens. You could lay different

transparencies shot with different lenses out on a light table and

stand back. The color, clarity and sharpness of the transparencies that

this particular lens created was unbelievable. Today the Apo Nikkors

can be bought for a song on ebay. In my mind they represent about the

best value for the money anywhere...




I don't really look at lens specs or descriptions that much except as

an initial guide. What really counts is the final result: what is on

the film...

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"Send one right over in 360mm and I will try it. "




When you are an importer/distributor the idea is not to make new

lenses used by sending out test units. There is no way that you

would want to test a lens that has been sent back anf forth for a

dozen years to display at shows also.




We have dealers across the country who will allow you to test

lenses. Some may rent them and apply all - or part of the rental-

to the purchase of a lens.




In orde to do that we sell the lenses for rental to them at special

prices so they can rent them to their customers.




If you really want to test and compare we would be happy to

direct you to some rental dealers if you call us next week.

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"then that purveyor should stand behind his/her claim. "




That is why we have provided for dealers to be able to rent

current optics to consumers as most rental dealers offer used,

discontinued lenses that were traded in. Not product that was

purchased new specifically for rental/




Obviously it is impossible to supply an endless number of every

lens for test/rental/comparison.




There simply is no economically feasible way to accommodate

the market this way.




That is why no manufacturer, in any industry, does what you

unrealistically suggest.




Test drive a car - go to a dealer - the saleman usually goes

along for the ride.

Try a new computer? You don't get one shipped for tryout by

Apple, Dell, Compact, etc. - you go to a dealer or store or VAR

qand play with it.




Why should you unrealistically expect anything different with a

camera or a lens?




You fgo to a dealer and he will let you test - free or for a fee - that

is between you and the dealer and your relationship with the





But we can help you to locate a dealer that WILL let you try a

current optic.




BTW, do you give your product/service away for testing to

everyone like you are unrealistically suggesting?

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Your lenses do have a "sweet spot" - like most other lenses. However,

at this "sweet spot" they are probably sharper and have more more

clarity and contrast than most "regular" Apo lenses made today.

I agree with you that you'd be hard pressed to notice much difference

at infinity too, especially if you are making contact prints or

enlarging from 5X7 or 8X10 negs or transparencies.




"The notion "flat field" lenses is only important if you are doing

repro photography. NOT when you are doing landscape, portrait or still

life photography. A 300mm Apo Nikkor / Artar or Apo Ronar process lens

has the same depth of field at f45, as a 300mm Apo Sironar N MC or

whatever at f45.




The Apo Sironar N and other modern lenses do excell in terms of


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