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I brought some filters from a junk store, but I have no idea....

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The filters are very small, which approx. 21-22 mm (outer-diameter) , Here is

the photo :


<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img

src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y35/kl122002/DSC01816.jpg" border="0"

alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>




The greenish-yellow one is made by B+W. And the other one is a close up filter

for Retina cameras. When I purchase them, They come with their original case .

The close-up follows with its manual (German), and a close up ruler.


<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img

src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y35/kl122002/DSC01810.jpg" border="0"

alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>




<P> Do anyone know how to use they and which Retina can use them?

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Green filter is for black and white.


The green one is for portraits, make the tonality of skin more natural and darkened it. Also you can use it for landscapes (BW) it will make differences among different greens of the trees and bushes.


No answer for second question. Sorry.

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My poor translation:


1 060 yellow-green.


The green-yellow filter 060 is ideal where it is important to difference the green tones. It is indicated specially for springtime, because it will enhance the light green color of the leaves. Also, it`s convenient its use for portraits groups with natural light due to flatter the reddish tones. Open 2X


2 0361 green


The deep green filter creates much differences between green tones in springtime and summer. Also is indicated to photograph flowers for graphic uses. Also, when photographing still life, to separate tonality and for the corrections of red tones in portraits with fast film. Open 3X



(As you now Tri-X, for instance, has a lot of infrared making faces white)

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Thank you very much, Luis! You have provided me a lot of information! I really do want to try this set of filters. However, none of my classis is suitable for them.


I guess, the ruler, should be used with the Kodak close-up and then set the set on focusing scale on the camera. The ruler has some words printed on its back side. It says, ' WER IDEEN HAT, HAT ZUKUNFT.' From a German translation, it means, 'WHO HAS IDEAS, HAS FUTURE.' (A very meaningful words. ) Look at the photo below.


<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y35/kl122002/DSC01858.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>



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I am sorry to hear your rollei 35 has lost. And, do you plan to get a new one in the future? Rollei 35 is a very good snapshot camera that ever made. I owned one before and took some photos of WTO in Hong Kong. (But the photos has joined LOST TV drama, They are in somewhere that I don't know how to find them).
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