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5D C.Fn-20. What is it exactly ?


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Could you please explain to me what is this mysterious (to me)

function 20 ?


Also, I've read somewhere that by setting it off makes you gain

some writing speed. So can I set it off without loosing anything essential ?


Thank you

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Essentially it adds an additional piece of data that can subsequently be used to veryify that the original data hasn't been altered - I imagine it's probably only of use in legal/forensics/evidence type situations - it's used in conjunction with an optional data verification kit that Canon sell.





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Don't know whether it's helpful, but TrustImage has a little bit more on data verification here:




...and there's a little bit on the verification process's effect on write speed in #6 on this page:




(Links to Canon's and Nikon's press releases re: their verification kits are just above the "Postscript" near the bottom of that second linked page.)


As far as whether the usefulness of data verification is limited largely to "legal/forensics/evidence type situations," data-verifiable originals could be useful in proving to skeptics what was and wasn't done to ANY remarkable photo, of any subject, for example this one here:




(How the data-verifiable original of an impressive photograph could be made available for scrutiny by skeptics is discussed in #5 on that http://trustimage.org/dvo.html page.)

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