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645 pro depth of field preview lever...where is it?


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I have a 645 1000s but found myself in situations where interchangeable backs

would be very nice, so I bought a pro, recieved it yesturday, just body, no

prism, lenses or anything. As i began looking it over, i noticed there was no

sort of depth of field preview button or lever. Am i missing something here?

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hmmm usually when there is an upgrade in a product it has basically the same features as the last product but adds a few more on the new one, I have to go to M on my regular 645. I figured the Pro would at least have this. Also whats the deal with the shutter release? No way to use a cable? Do I need to get some sort of remote release? looks to me what they added other than interchangeable backs, is an AE feature which i probably will never use. I suppose i should have studied up more on the pro before buying it, I could have bought 2 1000s bodies for what i gave for this.
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To use a cable release you either need to get an adapter (I think I got mine for about 25$ on ebay) that plugs into the 4-pin socket behind the little sliding door on the left side of the body (near the mirror lock up dial), or you can get the grip that has a cable socket right in the shutter release button. <a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/MAMIYA-645-PRO-POWER-DRIVE-GRIP-WG401-IN-BOX_W0QQitemZ200138551902QQihZ010QQcategoryZ3352QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem">here</a> is one ofthe grips on ebay right now (I'm not/don't know the seller). I would go for the grip as it also auto-winds the film and makes eye-level hand-holding more comfortable. Theres also a smaller/less sophisticated grip that doesn't have the cable release socket so watch out for that.
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