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? for women that have been pregnant while photographing


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Hi. I just found out I'm pregnant and due in March. I haven't booked any

weddings for next year yet because we were planning on having a baby sometime

soon. Anyway, my question is how soon before you were due did you stop? I had

someone inquire today about a New Years Eve wedding. That's almost 3 months

before I'm due, but I'll definitely be starting to get big by then. I just

would like to know what other moms have done. It's not like if I book a

wedding I can call day of and say I'm not up to it. It's times like this that

I wish I had chosen a desk job!!! haha!

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Well, congrads on the pregnancy! I have been in the exact spot you are at. I think you will be ok for the New Years but have several back up photographers that you could call if for some reason you can't make it. You might even consider altering your wedding contracts so that you are covered in case this does happen. Honestly, the last 2 months are the hardest because you just want it over with already! I would consider the last two months to be the "maternity leave".
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I'm not a woman and therefore have never been pregnant, but I do have a health care background. First thing to consider is what kind of wedding photographer you are. Do you normally hit the ground on your belly to get low angles? Climb a ladder to get high angles? Lug a lot of heavy lighting equipment? A lot of these things will either be difficult or unsafe. On the other hand if the bulk of your work is formal portraiture using a location studio setup, and you have a strong assistant to carry the stuff, set it up and break it down, there may be little or no impact on your shooting.

<p>With these thoughts in mind, ask your Ob/Gyn. Oh, and if you haven't already, look into pregnancy belly supports (do a search for "belly bra").</p>

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I've been pregnant the last two years, so I definitely know what you are going through. I shot a wedding last year as an assistant to my husband, and also provided day-of coordination. I was 11 days from my due date. This year, we've been booked for a couple weddings within 8 weeks of my due date.


My advice is to drink plenty of fluids, scope out all nearby bathrooms, have a back up plan, wear comfy clothes and shoes, and find someone to carry heavy gear.


And of course, enjoy your pregnancy! Congrats!

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Congratulations! I was due December 12th and my last wedding was the end of October. ( I wouldn't do it again!) I AM the kind of photographer that normally climbs on things and gets on my belly for low angles, so I did have to modify a bit. I sat on the ground, then asked for hand to get up! haha =) There were lots of guests that offered to help me carry stuff and open doors for me


I think 2 months is probably a good point to stop. The advice above is great about scooping out the restroom and wearing comfy shoes!

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Two of my photographer friends were pregnant, and they both brought on a female

"assistant" shooter who could have taken their jobs completely if necessary.


Prepare for the worse -- perhaps being bedridden or unable to spend hours on your feet.


Oh the other hand, another of my pregnant photographer friends shot up until two weeks

before she gave birth.


You just never know! :)

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Thanks for all the great responses. I will definately clear it with my doc first. I don't typically lay on my belly, but I do stand on chairs and ladders quite often and squat down or sit on my bum. All of that I need to take into consideration. I will definately take all of February, and March off. Just wanted to hear from women who had been there before. I don't want to overdo it, but I don't want to sit at home kicking myself for turning down a wedding because I'm feeling great and need something to do!
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