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Rebel 350 Died?


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I have a Canon EOS Rebel XT (350D) that I have rarely used. It was basically

a back-up to my 5D and 20D and also used as "Family Snap-Shot" camera. I have

never had any issues with it what so ever, that is until this past Saturday.

I was photographing a cheerleading competition primarily with my 20D and 5D.

I brought along the Rebel with the 17-40 F4L attached to it just in case I

would need it. I only shot a couple of pics with it and it worked fine.


Later on that day when at home, I was unloading my cameras when I noticed that

the LCD of my Rebel XT was acting strange. By acting strange I mean it had

all the numbers and and letters on the LCD showing at once. I turned the

camera off, then on and nothing. I then replaced the battery with a fully

charged one and still nothing. Then I re-charged both batteries and replaced

the "Button Battery" and the Lith Ion Battery again and the Compact flash card

and still nothing!


Any idea what happened?




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If the code got scrambled and it needed to be reset/rebooted, you gotta let it sit for a while after removing all batteries. Even my cellphone needs about 10 minutes to clear out the dung after spazzing on me. If I merely remove batteries and put them back in, it won't work right.


Of course, if that doesn't work, that means it needs major surgery.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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