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how to learn photoshop

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jason...I found this book really helpful...it's by Scott Kelby and it's called The Photoshop cs

book for digital photographers...I think he has written it for every version, but not positive on

that one...check him out at your local book store...some people like his style and some


good luck

sara peterson

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Photoshop is big. Huge. A lot of it you will never use.

I used website tutorials to answer my questions.

Start by looking at Levels then move on to curves.

Most digital files need some sharpening.

Then there is colour balance.


I have been using layer masks lately.



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I was so intimidated by Photoshop that I put off entering the digital realm for several years

before taking the plunge, first with scanned film and more recently with digital cameras.

What I found most helpful to overcome my anxieties was to begin working on my own

photos with a basic book at my side. Reading manuals in isolation of actual image files is

nearly worthless if you have no concept of the programs's structure and capabilities.

Photoshop is a massive program with many features that are of little value to the average

photographer. Learn the fundamentals first--levels, curves, layers, masks, selection tools,

etc. If you can master these skills, you will be able to produce very pleasing images. I still

have a long way to go myself, yet some of my work is pleasnatly above average. As with

most things in life, it's easy once you know how.



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Jason, I also was very intimdated by Photoshop. I took a Photoshop class at a community college. I would suggest a class that is geared for photographers, although the one I took was more for graphic artists. But I got really comfortable with Photoshop, and I learned things I didn't even know I should learn. For example, the class helped me with layers, layer masks, the use of filters, and the use of text layers.


If that's not an option for you, I also recommend Scott Kelby's book. He breaks a single idea down into usually one or two pages, keeping the reader from getting bored with too much explanation and details. He makes it easy to sit at your computer and follow the steps.


Also, sign up for Planet Photoshop's Photoshop Tip of the Day which they will email to you daily. http://www.planetphotoshop.com/

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If the new CS3 comes with it, do the tutorial. One the earlier versions 4 and up that I have worked with, there was a totorial. Almost all the problems friends have run into were answered in the tutorial that came with the product. The totorial they never used. Would have saved them a ton of time and frustration if they had take an hour a day for a couple weeks and just done it.
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