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Easy question about cropping?

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I want to crop about 25 images to the same dimensions. What I want to do is

create a crop box (or a selection box) that is, e.g., 2200 x 1800 pixels and

place that box on different images and crop. I thought I could do that with the

crop bar, but all it seems to do is maintain the proportions rather than keep

the size fixed. Hopefully you know what I'm talking about and can tell me what

to do. Thanks.

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Here's another approach. Create a blank image the size you want. Switch back over to the uncropped image, and copy the entire thing. Switch back to the new image (which is already the size you want), and paste the other - whole - image as a new layer. You can then move it around on the new canvas until you like where it sits, and paste it down (which will crop it to the new image's size). When you're ready for the next one, just paste the NEXT image over top as a new layer, push it around until you're happy, glue it down, and Save As your new file. Lather, rinse, repeat. Or, since this is image manipulation on a computer - use any of the other 600 suggestions you'll get! The tactic I mention may kill off your EXIF data on the newly saved output copy - that's the only downside I can think of.


Oh ... there is another approach: copy a 2200 x 1800 image and paste it as a new layer onto the larger image you want to crop. Then, with that layer selected, create a mask FROM that layer. Then you can delete the layer, with the mask still in place to use as a cropping tool, which will be in the dimensions (pixel-wise) you wanted. Good luck!

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1. View ?> Options ? it must be checked ON

2. Use Crop instrument

3. In vertical tab under commands (so like ?File?, ?Edit? and others) you'll see places for Width and Height.

4. You can fill 'em with desirable Values and in necessary Units.

5. Photoshop will remember your choice.


For example:


Width 400 px Height 600 px


Good Luck!

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