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Important especially to wedding film users - Kodak is doing a survey about film vs digital - link provided here


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IMHO, a poorly executed marketing mambo-jumbo which is not going to give Kodak any useful info. E.g,


"Do you plan to continue using film?"


Let's say the answer is YES - for a couple more weeks. Kodak fails to ask the more important question: for how long? Doesn't seem to interest them.


"...which do you use most often for black and white images? (digital capture/film capture)"


Let's see. If I use film for 49% of my BW, the answer would be "digital". Same answer if I used film for 0.00001% of BW...


Looks like the error margin of their 'survey' is close to 50%. I.e, the outcome is going to be a "fifty-fity" - maybe we're going to use film, maybe we ain't!

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I'm one of the very few who still use film but mostly Fuji or Ilford.

As Bob said they must be desperate to put out this kind of survey.

They'll probably file BK pretty soon since I'm not sure what photographic merchandise they offer in terms of cameras or digital

gear especially for weddings these days. Too bad but life goes on.

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Years ago I had direct contact with Kodak executives as part of a multi-corporation

initiative to counter Japan Inc. They were arrogant and swaggering as if above it all.

Wonder where they're working now?


Kodak was an aircraft-carrier in a pond and just couldn't maneuver fast enough. They

could have been on the cusp of digital for the general consumer ... it's not like they didn't

have the horsepower. Their digital division offered the best medium format back of it's

time: the DCS ProBack Plus and ProBack 645 ... totally portable using CF cards way before

any other MF back maker. These backs are still in service to this day. Many don't know

this, but Kodak owns Leaf ... which is ironic since Leaf backs use Dalsa sensors not Kodak.

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The questions are too either-or. But I guess they need the information.


I don't think "very few" is an accurate representation of how many people use film. It might be that there are very few who only use film since most clients want digital files nowadays. But lots of folks use some film for some purposes.

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I agree with the others on the either or of this survey.


BTW you CAN buy a house cheap in Rochester and the houseing market is dead stable, but honestly WHY would you want to live there? Central Kansas seems more attractive....

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It's a pretty state and the city isn't bad either. You have Rochester Institute of Technology and the very famous Eastman School of Music, as well as University of Rochester. 75 miles from Rochester is Niagra Falls and Canada, so yes, it does have some beautiful sites locally.
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