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Will the lens that covers 8x10 fit 4x5?


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If it fits on the board, and the bellows is long enough to focus it, you can use it. Almost all modern lenses can be mounted on a Technika sized board. The problem is when the board is wooden and does not have enough space around the lens hole for strength. The bellows has to be the same length as the focal lenght of the lens to focus at infinity. Longer, to focus closer up.
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Of course it will cover but remember: a 300mm lens may be a "wide angle lens" for an 8x10 camera but that same lens is a "telephoto lens" for a 4x5. You'll also be able to use a crazy amount of camera movements with such a lens in a 4x5 application. And generally, the larger the coverage, the higher the price as far as lenses go.
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it will cover 4x5 if it's cover 8x10 in any cases but as Bruce mentioned above its the bellows and the lens plate which could be the problem. If you using a lens which are for example 300mm than your bellows total leight must be there too! otherwise you are not able to sharpen your image on the ground glass.


the using of bigger lens which is not designed for the size is going to be a kind of longer lens on smaller formats.

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If you ever have curiousity as to what you lens will do, here's my trick.


Open a window and turn off room lights - if the lens has one, open the shutter and more back and forth allow the lens to project a focused image on a wall. With the tape measurer you should be holding in your other hand extended somewhat, measure the thrown circle of the image on the wall. For 4X5 this circle must be 162mm or 6.4 inches, the film's diagonal measurement. The same applies for any other film format.


This is even faster than looking up specs on the internet.



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