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Anyone running Lightroom 1.0 on Windows Vista?

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So my Dell died, again, on Wednesday afternoon. I went to Best Buy and picked

up a new computer, the HP Pavillion a6130n (3GB RAM, 400GB HDD, AMD Athlon 64

X2 5000+ Dual Core Processor (2.6 GHz), and nVidia GeForce 6150 Graphics card).


My not-all that-old Dell had 2GB of RAM, Intel Pentium 4. I forget the exact

GHz of the processor and what kind of video card.


The Dell ran XP Media Center. The HP is running Vista.


For some reason, the new computer is very slow when I run Lightroom. As an

example, I lost the keyword info on about 900 photos for some reason when I

switched to the new computer (the photos, fortunately, were all on an external

hard drive). I started adding the keywording back last night (all the same

keyword, mind you) and I couldn't even finish. I'd have a day where I took 200

photos and 90 needed the keyword added. It would literally take 3-5 minutes

just to highlight the 90 photos and then another minute or two for the computer

to process the adding of the keyword.


Granted, I also updated my monitor from a basic 15" ViewSonic LCD to the

Samsung 22" widescreen LCD (226BW), so I've upped my max viewing resolution

from 1080x764 to 1680x1050.


When I run the new Vista diagnostics check, my subscores are all higher than

the max available when Vista was released, with the exception of 3-D business

graphics and Gaming Graphics, which is at 3.5. For those that don't know, Vista

will check different aspects of your system and score them. The best available

technology when Vista was released gets a score of 5.0. The highest score

currently possible is 5.9.


So I'm thinking the slowness has to either be because Vista and Lightroom

aren't getting along well or because my video card isn't good enough.


Has anyone else had this problem and been able to solve it?

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I sincerely doubt that your video card has any bearing on it one way or the other (since it's unlikely that the application is off-loading any of the actual image crunching to the brains on that card). This strikes me as a storage/throughput performance issue. Are you still using the external drive from the other machine, or did you copy all of the material to the local drive? It's possible that the interface with the external drive is in USB 1.0 compatibility mode, or some other nasty bottlenecking state of affairs. And, if your external drive is still in the picture, here, when was the last time you defragged it?
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Have you updated to Lightroom 1.1? This is suppsoed to solve most of the Vista issues. I have 12k pictures in Lightroom, all Raw. My Vista score is much lower than yours, but I have a dual core 64-bit system which may or may not help in this area. I run at the same resolution as you do.
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I have the AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5000+ Processor, so I think that's the same as yours, Richard, with the dual core 64-bit system.


So it looks like 1.0 and Vista just aren't getting along, huh? I tried downloading 1.1 on the Dell when it first came out. Memory escapes me, but I remember I had enough problems with it that I went back to 1.0.


Guess I'll have to try 1.1 again...

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Intel Core2 2.13gHz / 4GB RAM - Vista Home Premium . . . have had no issues with Lightroom 1.0 or 1.1 before or after upgrading from 2GB to 4GB RAM (which the OS is not seeing all of, anyway). The only real problems I've had with Vista, and they have been severe and are ongoing, are with various MS Office apps. Go figger...
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