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I'm photographing a wedding on Saturday where the groom has two children from a

previous marriage and the bride and groom together have a newborn baby.

Needless to say, the kids are being incorporated into a lot of the shots. Do

you have any unique poses involving kids? I'm trying to get a lot of ideas so

not every shot looks the same.

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no matter the age of the children, tossing them in the air always makes a good shot.... i'm 29 and my dad still tosses me in the air for our tri-yearly family portrait..it's a little uncomfortable now that he's in the wheelchair, but he can still get me up a couple of feet !



and while you're at it


=start wearing purple = gogol bordello

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hahaha, Joey's got the right idea. hahaha


Seroiusly, if everyone all gets along, just put them into the mix and pair the boys/girls, go by height, one original family on one side, then mix them up. See if you can get them to just set themselves, as that's a good sign of how well they are all getting along that day (kids mainly).

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