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Graphic View or Calumet CC series?


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I have a Bender but I am considering buying something more rigid for critical work or where rigidity is needed (ie wind). I am a student and do not have much $$ to spend, so I was looking at either a Graphic View with graflock back or a Calumet CC series camera. What are the merits and pitfalls of each, and which one would you choose if given a choice between the two? Also, what is a fair price for each?
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I used a Calumet CC400 for years and found it to be a real workhorse.

Mine had 22 inches of bellows draw, which was nice for closeups. It

had zero detents and was quick to set up in the field (I never went

far from the car, so weight wasn't a big deal). About the only thing

I didn't like about it was having to use a recessed lens board for my

90mm. The recessed board for that model camera makes it difficult to

reach in with your fingers to set aperture and shutter speeds. I

found it be a sturdy camera, and it gave me years of trouble-free


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Well, I think it really comes down to what condition either of the two

cameras are in. I've had experience with both the Graphic View II, and

a variety of the older Calumets. The range of movements is similar on

the two, but you would gain a revolving back with the Calumet, which

might be a nice thing to have. There are also alot of different rail

lengths with the Calumet, whereas the Graphic is like 17 inches or so.

The rail on the Graphic cameras is also sort of geared, not in a

modern way, but if that track is all stripped out you may be in

trouble. I would probably opt for the Calumet, since this is probably

younger than the Graphic, and the chances of you finding things like

lensboards and other parts may be a little easier. I do have a Graphic

View II that I use for some sporadic tabletop work at home, and it

does this okay. I must admit that I'm spoiled with the Toyos we use

where I work, but this camera was given to me, so I can't complain. If

I had to buy one and had a choice, I'd probably go with a Calumet.

There's enough rail on the Graphic for me to use a 240mm lens okay,

and even though it might seem shaky, it always goes back to the same

spot. The Calumets are the same that way too. I don't think I'd pay

more than $200 (and it'd have to be mint) for a Graphic View body. If

you go this route, make sure you get the Graflock back, and make sure

it's included with the camera. Some people like to separate the backs

on those since they're compatible with the Pacemakers and Crown

graphics. I actually bought a second junked up Graphic View to use as

parts for my other one. I paid under a $100 for it, it might have been

considered usable, but it wouldn't have been much fun. Anyways, good

luck, and I hope this helps. Oh yeah, if you go with the Graphic, get

the tripod head as well...

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Hi Eric,

I can't comment on the Calumet, but I have a GVII and like it a lot.

It is cheap, well built, and capable. Check the link below for










My GVII has a removable Graflok, which is nice for both portrait and

landscape work. If your classes require macro work you might want more

bellow draw, since the 16" bellows on the GVII wiill run out at about

2x lifesize with a 200mm lens. I don't use the standard tripod

adapter, as my camera has a solid tripod block. The Graflex tripod

adapter adds to the purchase cost of the camera and they aren't very

common. They aren't common because they're not very good when compared

to a modern tripod head, so most of them ended up in the trash a long

time ago. Here's a link describing what a Graflex tripod adapter is

and how to modify it for use with a modern tripod:








I was saddened to hear of the death of O. Winston Link, suitably

outside a train station in New York. His work with the Graphic View

stands as some of the landmark photography of the 20th century.

Godspeed Mr. Link.





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Thanks for the info. on the tripod head conversion. I really haven't

ever had any problems with mine as far as stability but I have an

extra one so maybe I'll try this. I've seen those things used for like

$75 and always thought it was ridiculous, as it should be considered a

part of the camera. Same goes for separating the focus panel from the

graflok assembly.

As far as Winston Link goes, you all might want to check out the Dec.

1999 issue of "Preservation" magazine. They had a real good interview

in there with him. Thanks again for the tip.

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