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i'm sure this has happened to everyone at least once...


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i was shooting something in a hurry and screwed on one filter on top of another.

3 filters in all and in my hurry to shoot it before it was gone, i think i

screwed the 2 filters together wrong. i was able to remove them together from

the 3rd filter closest to the lens but now i can't seem to unstick them. i even

tried my friend who is in theatre tech try to pry them loose with a trick she

uses for light filters but no luck. any tips? thus ends the not so bright girl

with an equipment mishap.

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Find 2 rubber bands that you can place around the circumference of each of the stuck filters. Grip the filters lightly with your thumbs and fingertips only on the rubberbands. Unscrew. The filters will unscrew as if they were never stuck.
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Lay them flat on a sheet of rubber or a placemat or such and try to unscrew the top one using only your fingertips on the outside (top) edge. The pressure on the outsides of the rings distorts the "roundness" and the "evenness" of the filters and actually makes them tighten.


I have a pair of filter wrenches that are essentially heavy rubber bands with handles for truly recalcitrant filters.

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