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R-Vario Elmarit 28-90 Asph on Digilux 3 or Oly 4/3 body

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I don't have any experience with the lens on a digilux 3, but I have used it extensively on

the DMR. It is the best zoom lens I have ever used...better than most primes I have used. It

is a really great lens. On the 4/3rds system it would be a 56-180, which would make it a

good normal to long zoom. You would be using only the best part of an already excellent

lens, so that's something. The 28-90 is not a small lens, however, so it may not balance

that well on the cameras. And of course, it is quite expensive and you are only going to be

using part of its image circle, so there might be better options that are made for the

4/3rds system...I don't know much about the system, so I'll leave that up to you. Here are

two shots with it on the DMR though...<P><img src="http://www.stuartrichardson.com/

jokulsarlon-dmr1.jpg"><P><img src="http://www.stuartrichardson.com/ice-horse-


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I agree with Stuart. I use my 28-90 on my DMR too - great lens. With the fall in R lens prices, I have seen ex demo dealer lenses going for USD 2200 equivalent in the UK. EXport price would be minus 17.5% sales tax, hence 1800 USD - bargain at that price if you can call anything Leica a bargain.



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I would pick up the Leica 14-50mm designed for 4/3rds with OIS and it will give you 28-100mm field of views. I have R lenses myself but seldom mount them on my pana L1. I just use the leica kit lens instead. Waiting for r10.
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If you're looking for the field of view that the 28-90 ASPH provides on your Leica R

camera, the standard 14-50mm Vario-Elmarit lens delivered with the L1/Digilux 3

provides it and is a better choice.


If you're looking for the field of view of an approximately 46-180mm lens on your Leica R

camera, the 28-90 ASPH will most likely perform beautifully adapted to the L1/Digilux 3

but you will be giving up automatic iris operation. I don't know whether that's worth

$1800 to $2200 to you if you don't already own the lens... If you do own the lens, buy an

adapter and enjoy it!


To me, a better choice to cover field of view requiring longer than 50mm focal length on

the L1/Digilux3 would be an OIympus ZD 50-200/2.8-3.5 at about $800. It's an excellent

performer in every way.



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Thanks so much for the very useful responses.


I in fact own both the 28-90 and the 70-180. I've seen Gary Todoroff's work with the 70

-180 on his Oly 330. Also with the superb Telyt 280 f4. Viewing his images has caused

me to think hard about picking up the Digilux 3 or Panny LX1 or one of the Oly kits.


The 28-90 is my "always on camera" lens. I use it on both my R8 and R9, though I usually

keep color film in the 9 and Ilford XP-2 Super in the R8.


A DMR just isn't in the cards for now. The thing I'd like to do is to keep one of the R

bodies, and add a suitable 4/3 body and retain both lenses which would give me a pretty

flexible kit.


Of course, I'd have to give up my dream of having an M in that mix. So many great

cameras, so little dough...


I think I'll take the 28-90 to the local Leica store (Glaser's in Seattle) and try the Digilux

with the 28-90 (asuming they have an adaptor in stock) and see what happens.


I sure like the DMR shots! Many thanks for taking time to reply.




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I thought I heard the DMR been discontinued now .. ?


I'm enjoying the Panasonic L1 very very much indeed. The Leica 14-50 it comes with is an

excellent performer, and I have the Olympus 11-22 and 35 Macro for it too. I'd like the Oly

50-200 but don't use telephoto enough to warrant the expense, so I use Nikkor 105/2.5 and

180/2.8 AI lenses on mount adapters. They work very well, I'm sure that your Leica R lenses

would do similarly at least.



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