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How's my kit?


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Hello all,

I know there are quite a few threads on equipment but I still wanted to get a

little advice on my kit. First some background info: I am a wedding

photographer who as been building a business over the last three years. I

switched over to Digital last year and love it. I want to purchase quality

products that last.



Nikon D80

Nikon D50



Nikkor 17-55mm 2.8

85mm 1.8

18-70mm 3.5-5.6

18-135mm 3.5-5.6



SB 600

SB 800


I also carry the usual tripod, a ton of SD cards, a laptop, batteries, etc, etc.


Thanks for any tips and advice!



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If you have 17-55 f/2.8 why are you lugging around two other lenses that over lap focal lengths....???


The 18-70 is taking up space and added weight to your bag... not only that but it's slow glass.


You could also get rid of the 18-135 and pick yourself a 70-200 f/2.8, I've found that it's my used lens shooting a wedding.


If I were building an all around kit.....


I'd keep the 17-55 f/2.8 and the 85 1.8 for low light.... and get a 70-200 f/2.8


I made a deal with myself that I would never purchase lenses that are not constant aperture, nor slower than f/2.8.... even if I have to scrimp and save to buy them.

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Great advice William and Michelle. Thank-you!


I was wanting to replacing both the 18-70 and 18-135 and get a faster, long lens as soon as the funds are available. You've confirmed this thought.


"I made a deal with myself that I would never purchase lenses that are not constant aperture, nor slower than f/2.8.... even if I have to scrimp and save to buy them." - Great advice...I'll make the deal too:)

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HeeHee, Anne.....the feud begins :)


Paul, that is a great idea too. Fisheye would get some great church shots too. Macro for rings and such...ahh..it's a good thing. Now that I have my complete wish list there's just one other thing I need to do...actually make some money. I guess I'm in the wrong biz for that :) Oh well, I do it 'casue I love it.


Thanks all!!!!

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Basically what Michelle said...


The 80-200 would be a nice alternative to the 70-200 if funds were an issue.


The 17-55 is a stud.


The next purchase I would make would be the D200 or even a D2X. You will love the quality of a more professional body, especially the autofocus.

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I also would advise you get the 80-200 f2.8 put it on the D-80 and jam the wide lens on the D-50. I have the 80-200 on my D-80 90% of the time IMO the best all around lens if you own Nikon.


I also have the 85 1.8 But it's a better portrait lens and would come in handy if light gets pretty low.

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