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5D repair


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While working today I heard a little "tink" and when I took the lens off of my

5D I could see that the mirror fell off...so that sucks- but would you send it

to Canon just for the mirror (the camera is about 17 months old) or is there

another place anyone can recomend that would fix it quicker? Of course, there

could be more wrong with it but I could see this problem straight




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Are you sure it was the mirror and not the focusing screen? Sometimes the focusing screen latch gets snagged during a lens change or rough handling. A small black frame drops down and a frosted plastic screen falls out. It's easy to install but it may be damaged if the surface was touched by greasy mitts. If you did ruin the screen a new one is only $35 and user installable.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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It was the mirror. I had the same thing happen to me. The girl at Canon here in Hawaii says that there is an issue with that. So much an issue, in fact, that it took 1 month or more for me to get the camera back from Canon (I still haven't gotten it back, but she said that it is on its way; in fact, I should have it on Monday. Anyway, Canon had to order so much of the mirror box assemblies that that is whay it took so long).

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Happened to me once while I was taking pictures. Suddenly all become dark in the viewfinder and the camera stops responding...When I opened the lens, the mirror fell off and I was lucky the mirror didn't break...Bring it to the official representative Canon in Indonesia (PT. Datascript) and it cost me around US $ 92 to put the mirror back in its place. Quite expensive just to mount the mirror back...Had it been broken (the mirror) It could have cost me around US $ 270, just like a friend of mine who broke the mirror when it fell off the floor...geee...quite expensive...Several friends of mine who have 5D's also have this kind of problem and it happens most likely after the expiry date of the warranty of 12 months...
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Well- atleast I know I am not alone :) But a month to fix it is not good- I'll have to rent another while mine is away. Speaking of focusing screens though- maybe I'll have another one put in while it's gone so I can focus easier manually...that would be very nice :)


Thanks for the replies!

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That problem takes the 5D off the table for me. I'll wait and see what Canon produces in full fame for the Pro/Sumer set that holds up. My 20D has about 10,000 cycles. It should be reliable to 20,000 and may get to 50,000 plus getting more hinky over time. The 8.2 imaging is great for me up to 12X18 and the high ISO performance is good. I hope I can skip about one more product cycle (the 40D? getting to the 50D) before retiring the 20D. If Canon keeps improving the 1.6 crop factor cameras, then I might get an EF-S 10-20mm.
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Doug- I don't think is is reason enough not to get a 5D. I've used that camera for 17 months without incident and I shoot a lot- I would guess that camera has covered about 70 weddings, 100 portraits, and a million personal photos...I love that camera :)
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  • 1 month later...

The mirror on my 5d just fell off as well after 21 months of use. It seems to be a bad design

as the mirror looks to be adhered to the plastic base/frame by a silicone type adhesive on

four tiny rubber feet on the underside of the mirror. A cameras mirror should never just fall

off in normal use. Canon wont admit its a problem and therefore wants to charge for the

repair. If enough people write about having had this problem,maybe Canon would write a

service bulliten and we could get these fixed for free.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
Just had the same problem, unusual shutter noise, couple of dark blurred shots then when lens comes off the mirror is loose! camera is just under 12mths old and has had relatively limited use. definitely nothing out of the ordinary. Only thing i can get from photo.net discussion is that maybe the problem has to do with humidity. I am in an extremely humid environment in Northern Australia.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I'll chime in as well...on a shoot today when the mirror fell off--luckily it didn't break. Man, I really need this camera tomorrow, but what're you going to do? I'll post back and let you know what happens with the repair. Oh, and yes, I live on the Rainy and Humid side of the Big Island of Hawaii...Arrgghhhh!
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  • 2 weeks later...

i am thinking of trying to glue it back myself - (I am based in Liberia and don't want to have to part with the camera for months while it is being shipped back and forth)


am I crazy or does anyone have any experience with this - I just saw on flickr that someone else has tried it

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi everyone... it just happened to me 10 minutes ago, the worst part is that my 5D only has 8 months of use and the mirror fell off just like that.


Yes, i live in an extremely humid place too, Venezuela. I'm really not glad that its such a common problem... as everybody else i need it ASAP for some photo shoots...


Chris i was wondering the same thing, can i glue it on myself? does anybody have experience with this? I know it might void the warranty, but if its a safe route i'll take it!


if not, can i send it to some place other than canon to fix?


please somebody help! i'm crackin up in frustration... thx

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  • 1 month later...

hi john, thats really bad news... as you can see i also went through that, and although it was frustrating and i wanted to just glue it back on i didn't dare do it because of the warranty.


I asked the guy who repaired it at canon what he had used to put the mirror back on and he told me glue, but its reaaally delicate, and although i know this is not what you want to hear, i would recommend you send it to the canon.


well, keep us updated and good luck john

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not sure if I have the same type of problem with my 5D. But when I look

through the view finder, I see a circular area where the subject is. The outside

of this circle is a black area. The pictures still look great, In automatic mode

the pictures are over exposed.


Anyone knows about this problem , please let me know



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  • 3 months later...

How is this for bad luck. I had a wedding on the week end. Our Canon 5D was out of action with "error 99". It is

currently being repaired. To cover myself I borrowed one of my staff's 5D. A few shots into the wedding, exactly

the same problem as everyone in this post. The mirror comes loose. Not great to happen during a wedding. Luckily

we had a back up. Now I am up for the repair of our 5D and the repair of our staff 5D. I love the 5D, it has been

a workhorse but I have to say that two going down in a month is not great for the confidence.<br>


Jayson [sig link removed]

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