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shoot RAW for wedding?


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I'm about to shoot a wedding (new Nikon D40), and I want to shoot in RAW. However, If I burn CDs of

RAW images to give to the couple will they be able to post/print/email without any hassle on their side?

i.e.Will they be able to use the pics as easily as if they were JPEG?

Many thanks for your experience report/opinions.

Luke in Bonn

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Unless they are graphic artists or fellow photographers, it is unlikely they can use RAW images. Furthermore, you MUST do a minimal amount of triage and editing if you wish to preserve your reputation. RAW is sufficient. You don't need to shoot RAW+JPEG unless you are on a short leash with the editing desk of a newspaper.


It is a simple matter to edit in Lightroom or Bridge/ACR then convert a batch of selected images to JPEGs. Click it and walk away while Photoshop (or whatever) crunches.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Get something like Bibble (inexpensive and free eval available) and you can do batch color/sharpen/resize/crop where you get the first one in a series right and then you can easily copy those changes (and the changes are stored separately, so the RAW is affected if you mess up).


You need to size (crop/resolution) it for the output they want.

You will likely need to do color correction.

You're going to likely need to crop for good composition (well, sometimes at least)

RAW doesn't auto sharpen, so you need to apply sharpening.


Lastly, you will have several hundreds of pictures you need to work with, so if you want to do it professionally, you're going to need some type of workflow to make it easier.


Hope this helps.



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