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about Sekonic L-308 S

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Wandering around with an RB (I use one also) is almost a body-building activity. I shot a wedding with one years ago, and bought a Hasselblad within two weeks because of that. Still have both.


I would advise to save yourself a lot of extra work - take a manual 35mm and learn what your light meter or prism metering is telling you about your subject reflectance or incident readings with the meter. Film, regardless of size, works the same way - just make sure the film's speed (ASA/ISO)is similar.


Simply put, learn your equipment well and its interactions. You'll never have a bit of trouble.

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I have the Sekonic L-308 S. I dearly love this meter and regret not having bought one a long time ago. I use this meter all the time, but for different reasons. The reason I bought it was for studio work so I could set up my lighting effectively. I carry it all the time now.


I got burned once when the battery in my camera began to fail. I didn't realize what was going on until I could hear my shutter speed getting erratic from one shot to the next. After about ten shots my metered prism began acting flaky. I realized then that all my shots were ruined due to a battery giving out.


That taught me to always have the meter in my bag. When I first begin shooting, I meter the scene with my Sekonic. If my metered prism agrees, I know my battery is good. (I keep a spare battery now, too.)


Having the Sekonic has freed me from my metered prism as well. After getting the meter, I bought a waist level finder for my camera. I love using the WLF.


The 308 is small, light, and durable. An excellent light meter. You cannot go wrong with it. I highly advise you to get one.

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