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cheaper albums or coffee table books

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Your persistence about Blurb has me looking into them. How easy is it to make a proof book with them? I'd like to do something like 12 -18 pictures per page with filenames under them.


I can do an easy setup with Lightroom, but I can only create a PDF. Will Blurb accept a PDF? I don't want to d/l the software unless I know it can do what I want. I don't want to place each photo, I want to do it automatically.




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I made a wedding portfolio book with them, its about 20 pages, has captions under the pictures, and the brides love it (it doubles as a portfolio and the finished product the bride gets standard). Captions, naming, etc are easy with the software. I think the software takes PDF's. After you make the book on your computer, you upload it to your bookstore on the website, and from there you can order as many copies as you want, forever. Makes reorders a snap. Anyway, I make all of the books myself, meaning I place each and every photo on the pages, how I want it. But there is an option in the software, that automatically creates the entire book for you in one click, putting pictures randomly throughout the book. Great for portrait sessions, not so good for weddings (they wont be in order). I am persistent about them, because I personally find the whole process from development to ordering is so simple through them. The quality is phenominal, and they are not expensive. The only thing I wish they did, was print on photo paper like Art Leather can do, but thats what keeps Blurb's prices down I guess. There are a lot of photo book places these days (see my post with links), so picking the right one for you is a matter of personal preference. I have used almost every one of them on the lnks post, and I always come back to blurb because it IS so easy. And cheaper. I just did a wedding book for a client - 900 proofs, 272 pages, $80 bucks.
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Thanks Joshua. I'll download the software today and try it out. I'm thinking along the same lines as what you are doing, offering the book as a standard part of the package. I used to use Printroom.com for my gallery hosting and they had a bound proof book, but I switched to Smugmug and they don't offer one.


Thanks for the input.



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Sam - my brides love it, I would use it if I were you, in your packages. Its a great marketing tool! I just love the whole re-order process (sign in, order book).<br><br>


Peggy - The books are 100% full color. The lab does not do prints, just the photo book. It is not photo paper, but heavy gauge paper stock the images are printed on.

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Coffee Table style book:

Also, try MyPublisher.com. I think they are less expensive than Blub and they already have many wedding pages (templates) already made so all you have to so is drag and drop. Hardbound, HEAVY fully color pages, linen cover and also jacket covers. FAST service. Use ordering code SUMMER2040 to save 40% off your order. (No, I don't work there.) I actually found them from a flyer at Costco of all places. I made a sample book first with 10 pages to try them out before I made a 'real' order from them.


I use Bay Photo for proofbooks. I tried Nations but had problems uplaoding my photos with them (not sure why - and they never called back when I told them the problem). I had five people call me from Bay Photo - including the shipping guy to tell me my pkg was sent out. Customer Service was great!

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