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sigma 24-70 for nikon-2.8 ex dg

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<p>I'm interested in experience of other photo.net folks with this lens. Reading the reviews on-line here:</p>


<p><a href="http://www.fredmiranda.com/reviews/showproduct.php?product=97&sort=7&cat=37&page=1">http://www.fredmiranda.com/reviews/showproduct.php?product=97&sort=7&cat=37&page=1</a></p>


<p>... it appears that Sigma's quality control leaves something to be desired -- several folks who contributed reviews had to send their first lens back to Sigma for problems related to image quality ("soft" focus), before ultimately getting a "tack sharp" replacement lens. Comments from the photo.net community ? Has anyone tested their Sigma 24-70 against a comparable Nikon (18-70 or ?) ??</p>


<p>But getting back to Tommy's question, the larger the aperture opening (the smaller the f-number), the less depth of field any camera lens will provide. What are you comparing it to, when you say depth of field is not as good as it should be ? (Two lenses having [or set to] the same focal length and f/stop ?)</p>

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I'm not sure what you are focusing on in the image. I am also confused by your question about DOF. I am unable to critically evaluate the sharpness (or lack thereof) of the image you provided because it is too small.


"....whatever happened to f64?"


Here is a question I can answer. f/64 is an aperture used on large format cameras; not on smaller format cameras. "f/64 Group" was a fraternity of American western large format photographers that included Ansel Adams. For 35mm film cameras, the equivalent DOF is attained using f/17, and for DX the equivalent is f/11.

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