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Laptop viewing


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I have seen it done but I do not know how. I would like to connect my camera to

a laptop to see the image just after shooting; so I can get a better feel for

my lighting setup. If I was guessing I would say I will probably need Nikon's

Capture software which I do not have, I have NX and others.

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Camera Control is only $70... I actually thought it was way more, or I might have already

bought it for myself.


Tethered shooting is ridiculously useful. If you're doing studio work on a regular basis, it's

invaluable. It takes instant feedback to a whole new level... instant, big, detailed

histogram, clipping warnings, loupe tool to check fine focus. I've also seen some people

like <a href=http://www.laforetvisuals.com/main.php>Vincent LaForet</a> do really cool

stuff with a tethered camera strapped to an extendable pole attached to a helicopter and

such. Definitely a very, very useful tool.


I don't have any experience with Nikon's tether program, though, so I can really speak to

it's specific qualities or features. But tethered capture, in general, is really great stuff.

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I used my recently purchased Nikon Capture Control Pro for the first time today. I can assure you that you will love it. If you are shooting with any of the current crop of DSLRs you will have most all of the controls that you have on the camera available on your monitor. I can't imagine any other tethered software would serve you as well for Nikon. You can also use it to upload custom curves to your camera. Now I need a 10' USB extension cable.
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