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Large format color neg film


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Being reintroduced to large format(4x5) I am curious about the results of color negative film for different subjects. I have used Agfa ultra 50 for 35mm negs and the colors can go from snappy to surreal.Great for flowers. But it isn't available in 4x5. I also do general laqndscapes and lava photos at sunset or shortly just after. (Yeah, I live in Hawaii) The vog (volcanic smog) is a serious problem for camera equipment and film. Also for your lungs. I like to get in, do my photos and get back out before the coatings on the lens disappears.

Any suggestions on large format films in these shooting situations would be appreciated

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Fuji NPL - 160ASA - works well in 4x5 format, and can be pushed one

stop with reasonable results. It's also available in Quickload, which

may be important in reducing exposure to dust etc. given the kind of

environment you describe. Does the "vog" affect everywhere?




Anyway, I am visiting Hawaii for the first time in December - mainly

Volcano National Park (3 days), Haleakala and upcountry Maui (4

days), and I'll be bringing my 4x5 Toyo. Any suggestions on lesser

known locations etc?

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If Fuji NPS will work for you, then you should consider Portra 400NC.

Both of these films are lower contrast portrait films, but the Kodak

is as fine grained as the Fuji, and is the only 400 speed color film

available in sheet.




For real punch, try to find a box or two of PRN100 before it

disapears. B&H still has some. Portra 160VS is good as well, but is

fussier about correct exposure than PRN. If you are in a rush, just

nuke PRN as a 50 speed film. You will get nice, dense, easy to print

negatives, and exposure is a no-brainer. You can down rate Portra 160

to 100, but it is not as forgiving as PRN. The lower contrast of

Portra 400NC can be overcome by printing on Duraflex, but the color is

still a little flat.

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