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MF Equipment Selection: Beginner


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I have been reading through all the threads on entry level MF cameras

and have somewhat decided on the Mamiya C330. (Not sure what is the

difference between the C330 F & S models other than age (newer) and

cost $$) For a total entry system, what basic lenses, accessories

(Have a Bogen 3021 tripod and 3275 head; is this good enough to

handle the weight?), and other equipment should I have. I plan on

shooting B&W Portraits, some landscapes and processing it in my



Although, I'll probalbly shoot some print film once I start getting

good, consistant results. As for the overall system,I am looking at

reasonable cost without losing too much in quality; don't expect to

blow up beyond 11x14. Reliability, ease of use, quality, minimal

maintenance and versatility are all important to me. I appreciate any

help, comments or other suggestions. Thanks...

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I would suggest looking for 55mm and 180 lenses and a either a C220 or 330 body. You can still get C33 bodies but if they required repair you would have trouble finding parts. The 55mm lens equates to a 33mm in 35mm terms and the 180 is about 108mm. One other point, no matter how much of a bargain they seem to be don't buy chrome lenses. These are also very difficult to repair due to lack of spare parts.




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The C330s had some "improvements" that not everyone liked. The f is a good model. The black lenses are the preferred lenses. The 180 is excellent, stay away from the 135 or the 65. Overall, the C330 is an excellent value in MF. I have had one for about 20 years and still keep it as a "just-in-case" back-up for weddings.
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I have the 65 and 135 (black versions) for my C220 TLR and I'm very happy with them! I often hear that these lenses are not too good but the fare well in the lens tests published on this forum. The 55 and the 180 Super are much more popular and command higher prices.


Geoff McAuliffe

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