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Artifacts in scans from v750

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I'm scanning 120 film using Epson V750. Sometimes I get straight narrow lines

running in paralel across thw whole scan (see attached image). What is weird

that when i scan the image again they disappear (sometime I have to scan the

same image several times though).


Does anybody have an insight as to what could be the cause of it? it is not

softaare problem because the problem appears both with Epson Scan and Sivlverfast,<div>00LlWM-37304884.jpg.1bf9a7671145488fd3e83d3ec3c7e913.jpg</div>

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Is the travel of the scan head left-to-right in the above sample? If that's the case I'd guess something is interupting the transfer of scanner info to the computer, intermittantly.


I know with a couple of my Minolta film scanners, particularly when ICE was off and the scanner was really able to "gallup", it would pause every so often during the scan, I would guess waiting on the computer. It did not show up in the scan, but in your case it could be something like this.

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I cleaned the glass using Tetenal's cleaning cloth and "Scan clean ultra" and then noticed it left some residues on the glass. It led me to remember that not so long ago I did some cleaning using the some utilities.


So maybe those image artifact were from improper cleaning? I'll give it another touch with the cleaning cloth and will see.

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