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Canon 30D Saturation Problems


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When I first view my photos on my Mac through Preview the picture looks washed out. If I then open it

with photoshop and do nothing with it but save it as a jpeg (it was already a jpeg). It now looks over



I never had this problem with my Pentax IST*D, so it makes me think that it is some setting on my new

Canon 30D.


Any help would be great!

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Are you shooting JPEGs or raw? What color space? How do they look in Photoshop? How are

you saving it as a JPEG from Photoshop?


It sure sounds like a profile mismatch, but Preview (all of OS X, for that matter) is ICC-

aware, so that can't be it.


If you're just shooting JPEGs and not doing (much of) any post-processing, set the color

space to sRGB instead of AdobeRGB (I'm guessing that that's what it's set to now) and see

what that does for you.





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