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Please critique my second wedding


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I think you did a great job capturing the story of the wedding. You also did a really nice job looking for fun expressions. I would say if you want to continue to do weddings, the number one thing to work on would be flash control and overexposure. It's so hard to get things perfect quickly, but you'll get it after doing a dozen or so.


I loved the rice and flowers section. Really good capture.

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Yep, definitely a good job! My only critique would be to work on your lighting a bit. The getting ready shots looked like you weren't using a fill flash and so you were having to overexpose the bright background and highlights to get a good exposure on the face. Flash is, in my opinion, the hardest part in photography! It takes lots of practice.


I also think your white balances were off a little in some of the color shots and I would try posing people in all shade (if possible) and using some fill flash to get a good exposure. Direct sun is so hard and it's impossible to get people not to squint :)


Just my thoughts...great job overall...you capture moments really well!

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Hey Edwin, Super nice shooting, I liked the BW and the semitones.

I'm on my third wedding and I have part of the problems we saw on your slideshow, the

biggest is definetely the flash, do you know Gary Fong? (www.garyfong.com) <br>

After I used his device I was so much confident, still need to learn a lot, but it helped me



Also, exercise more the rule of thirds and for the external the golden rectangle helped me

understand part the art, but believe me I fell like I have to learn a lot every day. <br>


Nice work!!!

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As the brother of the photographer and the groom(?) of the day, all I can say is thanks Edwin, I love it so much ;) You really made a fantastic job focusing your attention on getting the bride like she was: simply beautiful!!
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I think if it was my wedding I'd be very happy with the shots. My only slight criticism is that some of the group shots could do with a little better organisation and direction. I know it's hard to get everybody looking the right way at times. But overall well done
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loved the rice/flower petals shots ... some of the best I have seen - THOUGH... I would say you should make sure to rear curtain/slow-sync on those - as you the trail (of the rice etc) goes the wrong way...
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I'm not sure about your statement Byron, as people were throwing it from below to top, light trails are correct. :) You can clearly see that on the way people hands are positioned on almost every picture. But its true that on number 60, petals seem to come from the couple and exploding from them, and that does seem to prove rear curtain etc were wrong.
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