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Mamiya 645 Pro TL - minimum light hiking tripod

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I've been reading some recent posts and looking up tripod info to purchase a

new one. I currently own a Gitzo 1348 Cf that's terrific for minimal hiking,

but a bit big and heavy for 8-10 mile overnight hikes. I rarely use a larger

lens than a 105 on my Pro TL. I was looking at the G1228 and G1227, and also

the Feiso 3401. I was hoping to actually hear from someone who has a similar

camera system that has used one of these lighter tripods. Stable enough?

Thanks for your input.


Dana/<a href="http://www.whitemountainphoto.com">www.whitemountainphoto.com</a>

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I am currently supporting my Bronica ETRS (slightly heavier then your Mamiya) on a Manfrotto 724B, with good results. I carry it around for days without problems. It weighs 3 pounds (1400g), has a non-removable ball head, and does it's job quite well on the mountains. The only thing I had to add was some foam on the legs to keep my fingers from freezing when it got really cold.
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I use a Gitzo G-1227 and an Hasselblad kit with mostly good results. Unless I use mirror-up and a cable release, I get doubling in some images. A 4-section G-1228 is not quite as stiff. A series 3 Gitzo is much stiffer and more consistent under more conditions. Either will probably work for you, especially if you employ the "Moose Peterson" method of stabilizing the camera with your free hand pressing down directly over the mount.


You should ask yourself whether you are hiking to take pictures, or taking pictures while hiking.

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Thank you all for your answers. I totally agree regarding carbon fiber, as you can see in my post I already own one that I use for day hikes. Yes, I do both, but this post is for when I'm hiking to photograph, and yes every pound counts, especially when you're doing overnight hikes, and your pack is already in the 50lb range, and your back isn't what it used to be. Again, greatly appreciate the input!
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I have a 1228 4 section and it works ok with a Contax 645, but in wind, I doubt if it would work. I carried a heavier Manfrotto and it didn't work in any wind either, I wonder if any would. I bought a Gitzoid G1027 and a RRS BH-25 (Load capacity: 8.8 pounds (4kg) for a RF camera to use with a G2 and a 16mm Hologon for some work photos am wondering if it would work with the C645. I had a M645Pro and it is somewhat lighter then the Contax, but have wanted to try the C645 on it but can't as it's in another country.


If you were anywhere near Orlando, I'd loan it to you for a tryout. I got the 1228 for portability as it fits in airline carry on, then minimized down to the 1027 and an RF camera.


Here is a link that recommends against it: http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=009Q4i


But if you don't try it, you'll never know, especially if you are doing some heavy duty hiking or climbing, a tripod that was to light would be better then a heavier one left at home. Especially with MLU and a cable relase. RRS ballheads are pretty sweet!

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