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30D Issues


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Hey All:


Got a 30 D. When I stop up (F4, 2.8), I see an odd ring pattern.


It shows up most when taking pictures into a projected light (sky, light table).


This only just started happening the other day after shooting some shots of a storm.


Happens with different lenses and different CF cards.


Anyone ever experience anything like this? Any thoughts?<div>00LgdV-37205884.jpg.6c5aaf9f8ebe8b24b1014274545eff16.jpg</div>

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How old is it? If its used alot, this looks like the beginnings of shutter failure. <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00KjQC">See here</a> for more details. If you search the archives, there were 2 more threads about the same thing on the same day, if the other 2 help shed any more light on this. Sorry for being the bearer of bad news.
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Yup, that looks very similar to the shutter problem I had:




I wound up having the shutter replaced at a Canon service center. Fortunately, I caught it with two weeks left to go on the warranty. There is a six month warranty on the repair, so I hope it doesn't happen again just short of a year from now.


This seems to be getting to be a very common problem, as reported here on photo.net. I hope Canon is taking notice of it.

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It wasn't a common problem until digital and folks started shooting 50,000 pics a year instead of 1800 pics (50 rolls). There are a few deflective shutters and but most simply just get worn out.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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That's sort of my point. This seems to be a more common problem with digital, at least the low to mid-price range Canon's. In my case, I had fewer than 8000 images on my 30D when I had the shutter problem, not 50000. If that was because the shutter was defective to begin with, fine, at least it was covered by the warranty. But I have seen one or two posts about this exact same shutter problem almost every week since my issue in early April. I don't know if this is a statistically significant enough indication of some underlying quality issue at Canon, but I just think that if we are supposed to expect an MTBF of 50000 to 100000 shutter actuations with the 10/20/30D line, we wouldn't be seeing quite so many problems with this exact same symptom (the arcs of light across the frame). This suggests some problem peculiar to the shutter design in these cameras, and I am hoping that Canon is at least aware that this has become one of the more common failure modes for their shutters and are trying to do something about it.
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