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MacBook Core 2Duo and 23" Cinema Display?

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I'd like to get a larger display. I currently own a Mac Powerbook G4 (17"

1.33Ghz) and a MacBook (Core 2 Duo 2.0Ghz).


Is anyone running a 23" Apple Cinema Display with either of these machines? How

is it working?


I'd use the setup for Painter X, Photoshop CS2 (until I upgrade to CS3), etc.

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I believe the MacBook can only drive resolutions up to 1600x1200 on an external monitor. That's at least where mine (black C2D 2GHz modell) maxed out when I connected it to my Dell 1920x1200 screen :(. The MacBook Pro has a dedicated graphics chip with more video memory.
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I went to an Apple store and hooked my MacBook to a 23" ACD and it ran fine. It didn't like running the native resolution 1200x800 on it's own display though. Overall it seemed to work fine.


Then I opened Photoshop and some 200MB 16Bit film scans (TiFF files) and it slowed to a crawl. Even with 2GB or Ram I don't think it would be fast enough for me to work without getting a little frustrated.


So, I think I'll wait and upgrade to a Mac Pro tower and larger display sometime next year.


Thanks for the feedback.

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