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wnw Berlin


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my M4+35summ and me visited berlin for a day traveling to poland.


anybody else take their leica to berlin?


more of my berlin/poland trip <a



<br>comments welkom<br>



<img src="http://ernst.fastfrank.speedxs.nl/images/album/reizen/berlijn-polen-





2007/muur2.jpg"><br>berlin wall

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Hmmmm. People's feet and backs look the same in Berlin as in Albuquerque :-)


For more Berlin, I suggest "The Good German." Noir, B&W, vintage look and sound, incredibly dense story. A grim foil for "Casablanca." Worthy. Much better than reviews.




...also shows how wartime cameras might have been obtained by Allies in Berlin.

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thanks mark and john,


@john: although shot from the back i still like the shot because the boy's the center of attention. he's planning on getting the girls in the fountain. (but maybe i like it cause i know the outcome)


the feet in the other picture are crossing the former berlin wall. i added a caption but it got a little lost.


and for berlin fans i'll add another. please post your berlin shots.




<img src="http://ernst.fastfrank.speedxs.nl/images/album/reizen/berlijn-polen-2007/berlijn.jpg">

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Ernst, your B&W looks awfully grainy with slight apparent unsharpness as a result. What film/developer did you use? Were they scanned from prints or directly from the negatives? (This is not a criticism, but a question for information.)
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thanks Tom, Frank and Lutz for joining in. great stuff, i'm honoured.


@ Bill: this is scanned TriX400 film develloped in D76. i had problems with some rolls of film that i took to chile and back. they were x-rayed 4 times, at least that's what i think the problem is because the newly bought roll came out fine. i underdevelloped and underexposed a little (it was very cloudy and sunny difficult guestimating the exposure) and i am still experimenting with the developping times (after 4 years...). i also don't have the best scanner(epson perfection 2400 photo). in PS i had to add a lot of contrast and i might have oversharpened them a little wich makes 'm very grainy but i don't dislike the effect (travis inspired).


still, i would like to get better at exposeres, get better at develloping and am thinking of getting a superior negative scanner.



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