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What is your favorite thing about shooting weddings?

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It is the middle of summer and the busy season is here. I am staying up way

to late every night this week (I know it is only Monday but I have to complain

a little). So it is a good time to sit down and remember why I love this

job. I thought it would be fun for everyone to talk about their favorite

thing and maybe we can all remember how lucky we are, even when looking

bridezilla in the face. Cheers to all...Susan

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My favorite part of a wedding is photographing the bride, hands down! If I could just do that one thing and nothing else, that would be it. Maybe a few with the groom, too. He makes a GREAT PROP for the bride! There's nothing like the feeling of knowing that I have a great image of a bride! Doesn't matter if she's gorgeous, fat, skinny, mediocre looking, or just plain ugly, I know I can make a good photograph of her to please her.
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The trip to the bank! LOL


Seriously, its great to get paid for what you like to do.


I like most of it. Mostly I like the bride and groom shots directly following the ceremony. A lot of emotion to be captured.


I also have to agree with the comment of the reception hall in the rear view mirror. After a full days work it good to be going home. Especially after a wedding where you know you took some great shots.

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The families, the kids, the party, grandma, the dance between recording images on the sideline and coordinating/positioning for poses, the father/daughter dance, the trust from the B/G, the backdrop portraits, the craftsmanship, the girls dancing....putting it all together in a slideshow that's powerful enuff to make me smile and occassionally spark a "happy dance" in front of my computer. I also enjoy sharing the images, technique, and experience on forums with peers and younger shooters.
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happy clients and happy parents, without a doubt. I just covered a wedding of a client who is best friends with another client. both parents of the previous client heaped praise on me, and I had a good time catching up with the other client. they think I'm the best.


I'm not the best photographer in the world, nor the most famous or richest. but having happy clients makes me feel like a million bucks/ shutter clicks/like Gary Fong. no, better than gary fong because my photographs have better lighting than his :-)

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Funny, I was just thinking about this yesterday. Maybe because I've also been up late and early every day and seem to do nothing else right now. Why am I doing this? I love the adrenaline rush. Photography makes me feel more alive than any work I've ever done. The challenge of getting great pictures any time, any where. The unlimited possibilities as long as I'm open to them. The realization that if I can actually capture the love and magic between a couple, these images can get them through the rough spots of marriage. That's the ultimate satisfaction to feel like you've made a difference. For these reasons I'd do it for free, and feel like I do sometimes and even do more than I maybe should, but the money is really great and is also unlimited. I love meeting new people and being an important part of their celebration. I love going to lavish parties where everyone is happy. Even though right now I'm almost completely overwhelmed, I can't imagine doing anything else.
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I guess there's still a lot I enjoy about the day - always have - I thoroughly enjoy shooting weddings and love the anticipation of never knowing what opportunities may present themselves for shots....but recently I got a thank you from a bride that said..."We really wanted good pictures from the wedding, and we got amazing ones....thank you!!!"


That's why I keep doing it...for me it makes it all worthwhile...

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Unlike other types of photography, like product and advertising, wedding photos will last a lifetime with the couple and many more generations. There really is no higher honor than to be hired by a couple to document the most special days in their lives! When their friends hire you, family members order prints, and you get calls from people who want to hire you and have not even met you, that is a truly wonderful feeling that is hard to describe.
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I like the fact that they gave me the opportunity to cover their wedding. I like trying to capture different and creative things. I would have to say that my favorite thing about the wedding is the photographing the bride too.


BUT! If I have to listen to the "Chicken Dance" or "YMCA" songs much more I am gonna scream! Who started using those stupid songs at weddings anyway! My guess is people that cannot dance?

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-The challenge of can I get the light I want the moment I want and the background I want.


-Kids being themselves


-Thinking I could not have shot a better wedding and then matching it or surpassing it the next week.



-Being inspired by real love between a couple rather than some you know will be divorced in a few years.


-A really good toast


-The anticipation of what kind of meal I will get and where they will put me.

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Hmmmm... this is a thought provoking question! I love the adrenalin rush. I love capturing that beautiful image. I love to show the romance of the day. But, the best part is when the bride and groom come to view their proofs. They watch the slideshow and laugh and reminise about the day, commenting on the events, and commenting on the images they love. It is total gratification when you can exceed thier expectations. When they really appreciate the job that you have done for them.
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Jana, I love the father/daughter dance as well and those times that I get "misty" it's OK....I don't make a point of having people notice the misty stuff but I don't worry about hiding it.


The "chicken dance" is frequently a good time for the kids, grandma, grandpa, the wedding party, and others to participate, laugh, and have fun....it's a great photo-op. The "YMCA" like the "Electric Slide" and "Shout" are frequently the signature shots of the dancing and a good photo-op as well....I enjoy/appreciate them.

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Wow thanks guys you reminded me of why I love this job (I knew you could do it). I pretty much agree with all these things. Although I do like when all the other formals are done and I get to do the romantics between the bride and groom. I also really like doing my signature shot of the bride after she is first ready in available light. She is always beaming at that time. I always say that I like that I get to do different things all the time. Correcting photos, designing albums, shooting boudoirs, weddings, kids. Everything is SO different so I never get bored. It doesn't mean that there aren't times I wouldn't love a normal paycheck and go to work at 8 and get home at 5 and be done. But still I am so lucky to be able to do what I love for a living.
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Cake! I love cake! I always tell myself I'm not going to have any,but I can't help it. Sometimes I have seconds!

But, seriously, I love a wedding where I feel the couple is really going to make it. Where I see true devotion, and a desire to have God as part of their marriage. Next, I love the detail shots. Then, the thoughtful bride shots, and the kids, if any. And I love the fun. I have a hard time not dancing!

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The best thing about photographing weddings is that I get to be part of the best day of someone's life almost every weekend. What an amazing opportunity, to document that... and to take great pictures of people who won't always be around. My grandfather died in April, and I'll always treasure the picture my photographer took of us dancing at my wedding.


My favorite part of the wedding itself is the first dance. I always tell couples it's my favorite part, and "you'd better look extra cute when you're dancing!" I put the 70-200 lens and capture great images of them singing to each other or smiling at each other. It's great! (Can you tell I love this job?)



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