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canon digital rebel and 24-70 2.8l question


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I bought the 24-70 2.8l and notice that when i compose a picture in the view

finder of my digital rebel the piture that is taken does not match what was in

the viewfinder. In order to take the picture I want I have to aim the camera

lower to get my desired picture. Is this a problem with the lens or the camera ?


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I've never come accross this before - sounds very interesting.


I'm aware that the Rebel viewfinder only shows around 90 to 95% of the scene, but I would expect it to be centred. Thinking about this logically, I can see no possible way for the lens to be at fault - be it the viewfinder or sensor, either way the image comes via the same path: the lens.


It would seem most likely that the mirror is slightly out of alignment - has the camera had any hard knocks at all?


By-the-way, great lens selection - the EF24-70 F2.8L USM was my first "L" lens, and I think it's still my favourite for everyday shooting.





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The problem is with the alignment of the viewfinder. You may also wish to check up on the alignment of the focus points compared with the markers in the viewfinder - my bet is they will also be off. Test by focussing on e.g. a slender lampstand in front of a white wall, using the camera in both landscape and portrait orientation, and each focus point in turn. De-focus between attempts.


Canon can fix viewfinder alignment, but they have some limitations on what they regard as being out of spec. Try setting the camera on a tripod square on to a wall carefully levelled, and have an assistant manouveure Post-it notes on the wall so that one appears exactly in each corner of the viewfinder. Take the shot, and you will be able to see exactly how far out of alignment things are, and the limitations of the viewfinder coverage. If the Post-it notes don't all lie within the capture, or if the image is badly tilted (more than ~3 degrees), then Canon would normally consider it a warranty repair in the warranty period.

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The rebel viewfinder does only show about 90 percent of the picture that is really taken, so if the real image is "more" than you saw in the viewfinder, that is likely ok, but if you had something in the viewfinder, that is not on the image later on, something is certainly disaligned.
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Thanks for the help everyone. The camera is the original digital rebel so it has been used a lot and has had its share of bumps. I am aware that the viewfinder only shows 90-95% that is not the problem. Is this something a local camera shop can fix? It?s just so frustrating that when I take a picture it has all this space up at the top of the fame that was not in the original composition. If I am taking a headshot I have to aim the top of the viewfinder to the top of the subjects head in order for it to align the way I want.
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Kenneth, I know how you feel, but ...


... from what you've said it very much sounds like the camera has a problem, and it's odds on that it'll require service by Canon (if in fact it can still be serviced by them).


I'd suggest doing one of two things without further delay:


(1) Get it on it's way to (or at least get in touch with) Canon ASAP - yes, it's frustrating - yes, it's a pain - but the sooner you get it away the sooner you'll get it back - and the sooner you can get on with your life the way it was meant to be!, or


(2) Treat yourself to a nice new one - the cost should pale into insignificance compared to the cost of your EF24-70 F2.8L USM!





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