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Book on how to do your own printing ?

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Subject: Book on how to do your own printing ?


I want to do my own printing, from 35slr and medium format (6x7),

mostly black and white.

Is there a good book on how to do this and at the same time giving

advice on what equipment to use ? I am completely new at this, so I

need all the basics I can get.

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Another good book is "Exploring Black and White Photography" by Arnold Gassan and A.J. Meek, Brown and Benchmark Publishers. It gives a good over view and gets into considerable depth at the same time.


A. Adams three books, "The Camera", "The Negative" and "The Print" are the all time best. I reread "The Print" every two to three years to pick up something new that I was not ready to absorb on the previous readings.

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