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APO Teylt 3.4/180

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I have the above described lens, serial number 2867211. As much as I have

loved it for some 15 years plus, I now wish to sell it. Short of going to a

local camera dealer, what is my best course of action. (I have never tried to

sell anything over the net before, so have pity on me!)


I know that I might be on the wrong forum, but one has to start somewhere!



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Thomas, depending on the condition you can expect it to fetch around $500-$550 at most. Dealers would usually offer for 30% lower. Your earlier version sells for less. As I read somewhere, it works out to about $2.50 only for each mm of the focal length. At this miserable rate I'd suggest you keep it as an excellent shooter unless you decide to ditch the Leica SLR series altogether. My 2 cent.
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Thanks for the comebacks, although not very encouraging. Tempted to keep it. But I also have had for about 10 years an APO 280 2.8, which I have been able to focus fairly well with an adapter on a Canon 30D. But for some screwy reason, I just can't seem to consistantly focus the 180 on the Canon as I could on an R4 and R7.

And I need a workable smaller tele for the Canon---the 280 is just too big to be lugged around too many places.


So I think I am going to replace it with a Canon 70-200 f4 zoom. It is about the same weight and size as the 180.


Incidentally, for those interested, I found that my 21mm f4 Super Angulon works like a charm on the 30D.


Thanks again



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Thomas, your problem is not the 180/3.4, it's the 30D!


I can not accurately any of my Leica lenses on my 20D, they are always out of whack. On the other hand I get accurate focusing on my 1dsMk2, as accurate as the R8.


Dump the body, not the lens. Maybe try a 5D, they might be better.



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That's interesting, John. Maybe it is the 30D. Although as I have stated, I seem to get focus on my 280 f2.8, although I have to work at it. Also on a 90mm summicron, although I just don't use that focal length much. And on the 21mm, which is no great shakes because of the large df anyway. Some other leica lenses I have not tried because I have some canon similar focal lengths.


I recently bought the adapter which recognizes the focus fix light, or whatever that is called. That's a big help.


But you may have a good point. Might save the 180 for use on an upgrade camera in the future, since I am apparantly not going to get much for it anyway. As my mother used to say, I need to "cogitate" on that.


Thanks again for that suggestion. TOM

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