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Print order from non-client concern

jana w.

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I have a really minor delima but I still wanted opinions. Please forgive my

spelling! I booked a wedding last year while I was still doing film and had

lower prices on prints. When I switched to digital I changed my pricing for

wedding packages and prints (little higher but not much). I informed the B&G

that they would receive order forms after the wedding with the same cost of

prints as when they booked me. The order forms could be used for anyone who

wanted to order prints from the wedding. Skipping ahead a few months closer to

the wedding, I started offering online proofing. I don't recall offering this

to these clients because I knew I would only have space for thier wedding

online for a week due to so many weddings at the same time. At the reception

the bride asked me about when the online proofs would be up. I was caught off

gaurd because I only offer this with my higher wedding packages and I usually

don't offer it otherwise unless I have space. Trying to be nice, I told her I

could have them up for about a week. I uploaded them and sent an email to the

bride telling them they were up. The email said the online prices were current

prices because online proofing was not offered when they booked me. I only got

only 2 small orders. One of them was just over $50 and had mostly 4x6s. I don't

charge much at all for my prints ($3 for a 4x6, $8 for a 5x7, $15 for 8x10)

because I don't feel that I can charge more right now. I processed the order

and charged the card hours after the order. There are proofing site commision

fees that come out of that order. I get an email tonight saying that the

bride told the person that ordered that I had overcharged her by $15 because

the 4x6s should have been $2, not $3. With such a small order plus the proofing

commision, I was not going to refund the money. I explained but I just wanted

to get opinions on wether I did the right thing. THANKS!


Below is the email exchange:




Jane* (Doe-Doe Wedding) brought it to my attention that according to her

contract....I should have only been charged $2 per 4"*6" picture. Had I known

this I would have ordered more pictures. Would you please be so kind as to

credit my account for the overcharged amount of I believe $15.

Thank You,





Dear Janice*,

The online proofs were not offered when Jane* and John* booked me so the

online prices are current prices of the prints. I mailed them several extra

order forms (at the prices when they booked me) to order prints. They could

have sent the CD of the images and the order forms to the individual members of

the family that would have liked to place an order. The online proofing is for

the convenience that this wouldn't have to be done. However, like I said, the

prices online are current prices. I sent this email below to Jane* a few days

ago letting her know that the online proofs were current prices. I am sorry

that there was miscommunication but the online prices are the correct prices.


"I mailed your CD proofs this morning along with order forms which has the same

packages and pricing as when you booked the wedding with me. The online prices

are current prices for those who choose to order online. You are welcome to

pass out the extra order forms I mailed you but please tell the people you give

them to that there is an extra $5 shipping charge they will have to add on.

However, you have no shipping charges on anything if it is delivered to the

address on file (for you). Hope this answered the question! If anyone has any

questions, please just tell them to call or email me."




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I think it would have been easier, cheaper, and better all around to refunded the $15. You take a little hit and chalk it up to experience. Going your way I think you are not only going to end up with an upset customer, but an upset bride, and not a lot of good referal.
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Unfortunately (with all the Kodak and Fuji machines around,) the bride, now armed with decent 4x6s will proceed to copy the heck out of them for her wedding photos. And after doing her best to get the lowest price around....




As noted above, it may be less trouble to just refund the small amount of money involved. But next time, stick to your plan -- a small wedding does not go the "on-line" route.

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You did the right thing. I think you made things very clear.


My bigger concern is that you are worried over a measley $15. I have clients who want to b*** all the time when they can't take the time to read order forms. People seem to feel they are entitled to cause $50. in lost time over a few dollars in stupidity. You've got a clear policy - stick with it.


Also, take the online images down after a week or two at the most. You're getting small orders because people get a free view and that's all they want. Keep online ordering on higher packages and make it a chargable extra on lower weddings - or make it $100. extra that is credited in full when orders exceed $300.


BTW, your prices a way too low, but you know that already.



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Hey Zenit & Dave, actually I got 4 replies and and only took on two. They were wonderful assistants and obviously came out of thier desire to get into thw wedding business. This is how I got my first wedding images and it is fairly common practice. It was for love of the work, not for money. I did not ask anyone to give me any images to me... I said I would pay for the copyrights if they were needed. So thanks for the smart a&& remark, Zenit & Dave. You are just so helpful. People like you are the reason why people don't ask questions.
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I think that you are mistaking the 'help'. People who are so cheap that they don't pay assistants are usually so cheap that they don't charge enough and are the same ones who cause so much problem with the industry. Brides deserve more than someone 'learning' and your OP here attests to your own lack of knowledge and understanding. We're trying to give you guidance, you're too stubborn to see the truth.



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