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(w/nw) Back at the Silver Peso [pulling fuji neopan 1600 to 800]

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Well, I'm now a regular.



I do fear, however, that one night may end with me missing a tooth, and my M6 in

several wrinkled, and fractured shapes.



With the bartenders on my side, I shot all night last Saturday. I'm putting the

series together, along with my images from my last visit. These new images have

a more relaxed tone to them, as I was not shy with the camera, and had it either

around my neck in the open, or always in one hand ready to shoot. It shows

with the images.



This time around, shooting only Fuji Neopan 1600, pulled one stop, and developed

in a softer mix of Microdol-x, going 1:1 for nearly 14 min, and softly agitating

every min.



I'll post the full series later this month when my day job frees me up a bit.





<a href=" Silver Peso 'solids win' title="Photo

Sharing"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1071/525918368_a0bf86f4a0.jpg"

width="500" height="331" alt="Silver Peso 'solids win'" /></a>

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Nice going so far, I just have one observation. Shooting Neopan 1600 at 800 is not really a "pull." It's really less of a push. Neopan has a true ISO of 640. That said, you are definitely on the right track to shoot it at 800. It looks really good, thereabouts. Pushed to 1600 it looks pretty bad, IMHO. Also try D-76 1:1.
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Ahh... well, if only the 2am club were within drunk walk distance. ;)



So, seriously, Neopan 1600 is ISO rated at 640!? That's wild. I'll have to try 400, and see what I get.


I was going to try D-76.. but was concerned about losing detail. The 1:1 dilution helps that I guess? I'll go grab a gallon and try it out this weekend. Thanks for the tips!


..and Clive, thank you! I am being *very* critical in my choices so far for the series.

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