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My first Leica Wedding

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My good friends Angie and Travis were kind to invite me and my wife to their

wedding as their guests. Not their photographer. They had hired one through

the family (phew... so I could drink and be happy) But I'm sure they knew that

I would arrive with an arsenal of photographic necklaces. I took with me the

usual wedding shotgun, the Hasselblad 500cm, and my sniper rifle, Canon 20d with

it's mounted bazooka 100-400L. But this time, for the first time at a wedding,

I had the latest addition of several months ago.. my new love, the M6, and the

35 Summicron f2 asph.


Shooting color w/ the 20D and Hasselblad, and for the M6, it was 2 rolls of

Delta 100, 2 rolls of Delta 400, and 2 rolls of my new favorite combo.. Fuji

Neopan 1600 pulled to 800. All Ilford developed in straight Microdol-X, and the

Fuji, I went for 1:1 Microdol-X


These are my picks for the M6 captures. The newlyweds are still on their

honeymoon, and I plan to have their site up shortly with a chronicle of all

images together. This is just the temp gallery to see how well they play online.


<b><a href="http://www.joelaron.com/wedding_bw">Link to Leica M6 Wedding



I thought you might like to have a look, as I don't see many wedding stills

here. I tend to shoot more street, candid images, so it was interesting to see

that style adapted to a wedding. It was fun! ..and looking forward to my next

wedding..as a guest.


Hope you like them,





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What did the official photographer think when you showed up? I hope you didn't get in his way with all of that gear. To each his own, but I would never show up as an invited guest carrying enough stuff to compete with the person hired to do the job. I don't mean to sound megative, and I like the M6 shots, but....
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Excellent technique, and I'm sure the B&G appreciate the great candid photos you produced. I take two M bodies, with 24mm and 35mm lenses and find my photos are sufficiently different from the hired pro to add to the coverage, and not compete with the standard wedding shots. I once checked the professionals web page to get an idea of their style, and concentrated on available light B&W candids to present a different take on the event. Great job!
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Thanks everyone.


I did all the scanning with my Nikon 9000, and used VueScan software to drive it. All b&w film was developed that evening after the wedding, at home in my kitchen sink.


I did check with their wedding photographer, and he was more than cool. He *only* shoots w/ a Hasselblad, and does traditional wedding shots, and was more than welcome to see that I was shooting candid. I also told him that I would not interfere with his shots by getting in the way, or asking for anyone to look at me for a shot. I walked around with my wife, and only once did I have two cameras with me... the second, always being the M6.


Thanks also for the point to the Wedding & Social Forum. I'm still learning the forum ropes, and need to hit a guardrail from time to time. But I also wanted to share with my favorite forum.. the most critical 'leica / rangefinder' forum ;)


All my gear fit in my Tamarack backpack. I also had stuffed in there, a Minolta X700 that was loaded with Provia 400, and had mounted a 58mm f1.2 Rokkor. *That* got some crazy shots. I would keep running back to my bag for whatever I needed.


The bride and groom, and their families are all very good friends, so it made for a very comfortable wedding to learn from.


thanks again for having a look, and the pointers!




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Here is an image from the X700, loaded with 400 Provia, and mounted with the 58 f1.2 Rokkor. (possibly the finest 50 i've ever used, aside from the sumilux-M of course! :) The provia, and that lens are a fantastic combo.


forgive the post of a non-leica image, but I was asked, and I'm sure a few are curious. The lens is something else, and still holds it's value to this day!




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