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Thinking of buying a flash bracket

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I currently do not use a bracket and keep my SB800 on top of my D200. I

occasionally do have flash issues with uneven lighting. I usually try to

bounce my flash as often as I can.


I am thinking a bracket might help me out with this. I just don't know what to

get for my SB800.


Any suggestions?




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I suggest you do searches to read about what others say about flash brackets. Here is one.




It is impossible to suggest a specific one that is perfect for your camera and flash because everyone has their own opinions about flash brackets--both whether to use on and which one is good for a specific set-up.

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Kristen, I realize that you're asking about a flash bracket and the one I suggested is indeed a good one. But, after reading your post again I noticed that you are having issues with "uneven lighting"....I'm not sure that a bracket will fix your issue. (Although I do think brackets are worthwhile and use mine for about 75% of my wedding coverage). You might want to start a new thread with a sample pic of your uneven lighting and describe how you were bouncing or using the flash.
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Really Right Stuff has a couple of nice choices. They both allow you to take portrait and landscapes photos while still keeping the flash at the top. I purchased what I believe they call their "portrait package." They just came out with another one that is for professional wedding photographers. I have been very pleased with what I have, but think that the other may be more to my liking, as I believe I could use it and also have my D200's built-in flash popped up. I like to use it as the master flash (not firing but just tripping the others). I can't pop up the built-in with the bracket I have. At any rate, you do want to get your flash off your camera. Best luck.
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