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Fair price for Kodak Master View 8X10?


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I'd like to buy a Kodak Master View 8X10 to replace the one I had owned for forty years that has been stolen. I'm somewhat shocked at the prices I'm seeing for them in Shutterbug. What is a fair price for one in good to excellent condition?




Thank you, Barrie Smith, Missoula, Montana

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I have what is probably a permanent lust for one of these cameras.

I'd like to replace the Kodak 2-D that I use. However, the price is

a bit high.




There was one on eBay today (5/5) that was at $500, the reserve had

NOT been met and it was in only OK repair. I've seen good ones go

for slightly over $1000.




good luck

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10 years ago you could get them for around $750 (+/-) depending on

condition and who was selling them where and what accessories came

with it.




Prices have been climbing though and the last one I bought, with

case, CFH and iris lens clamp on EBay went for $1100.00. And it

needed a new bellows. So far, everyone I have purchased has needed





The highest I have ever seen anyone ask is $1450.00 at Lens & Repro

in NYC but I believe it had a new bellows.




I would guess that 1000.00 - 1250.00 would be par for the course, but

as many have observed Ebay has affected prices with folks seeming to

be willng to pay new prices for used gear.

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The Masterview I acquired three years ago cost me $1350 and I would

gladly give that again for another in the same condition. Original

everything including the bellows and bearly a mark anywhere on the

body. Four lensboards (two undrilled) rounded out the deal. Comparing

the alternatives, it is still a deal if you can find one. Although I

saw a Wista 8x10 just go on Ebay that looked pretty nice for $1050.

If you owned one for 40 years, you must feel lost without it. Best of

luck in finding a replacement.

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