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How To Set Infinity Stops For Different Lenses (Graphic)


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Is there any information on the net as how to set the infinity stops for different lenses on a Crown Graphic. I actually have a 2.25"x3.25" camera, but I believe the procedure would be the same as the 4x5. I suspose setting the infinity stops would be the first step, followed by determining a focusing scale, and then calibrating the rangefinder. So I am a beginner and at square one.
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It has also already been addressed here, if one would look in the

Beginner's Questions section. The specific URL for this question is:

<a href="http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=001AqV">http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=001AqV</A>.






<p><i>Moderator's note: fixed broken link.</i>

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Good camera repair people have optical benches and equipment that can

do it scientifically. However, if you want to do it yourself it isn't

difficult. Just get to some open space where you can see for at least

a half a mile, preferably a mile, with something at that distance you

can see well enough to focus on, then focus on it and slide the

infinity stop back so it hits the front standard, tighten it down

with a tiny screw driver, and you're all set. Just don't take the

advice you sometimes see of focusing on something a block or two

away. You need much more distance than that to be at true infinity.

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I did like Brian said, although you first need to adjust your

focusing rail so that the two infinity marks line up on the fixed and

movable scales. Then, with camera on tripod, focus on something as far

away as possible by sliding the (unlocked) front standard in or out

(not by turning the focusing knobs, which would move the scales from

the infinity mark) until your subject is in focus, then lock the front

standard, and then move the loosened stops up against the front

standard, then tighten the set screws. Do this for each set of stops

you have for your different lenses.

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  • 1 month later...

Also - use a carpenter's square (I like the kind with the adjustable

squaring arm) to make sure that BOTH stops are the same distance from

the ground glass so that you front standard stays square with your rear

standard. This works with both the miniature crown graphic and the



The above page will tell you how to set the rangefinder. Graflex.org

also has info on the focus scales but I have yet to find a retailer who

will sell me specific pre-printed scales for specific focal legnth

lenses --- I'm making do with a home made one for now.

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