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Polaroid film not exposing - must be doing something wrong


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I purchased a few boxes of the Polaroid 667 B&W film today. I loaded the film

cartridge in the manner that I read in one of the posts here. I've managed to

ruin two cartridges without one succesful picture.


When I loaded the cartridge I noticed that the film is numbered 1-10 with 10

being the closest to the camera back and 1 being the closest to the rear of

the cartridge. I loaded the back onto the camera, removed the dark slide then

pulled the black tab through the slot on the side of the cartridge. I went out

to my backyard and set the aperture to F16 and the shutter to 125. I managed

to try all of the aperture settings as well as most of the shutter settings,

of which I ruined 20 photos. Not a single one shows any exposure or anything

at all on the paper.


I as well tried leaving the film in the camera for 30 and 45 seconds after

taking a photo before pulling on the white tab to remove it from the

cartridge. Still, to no avail was there anything at all on the paper.


I sure hope I'm doing something really stupid.


Any ideas?

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Leaving the film in the camera longer will do nothing. Polaroid is a pressure activated process (hence the rollers) you you need to expose, pull it out, *wait for the correct amount of time*, then peel it apart.


If you did this I have no idea what is wrong. It sounds like you loaded it right. Don't do what I did and pull out the initial black tab through the wrong slot!

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Hmm, there is my problem. I took the rollers out after reading a post that said to remove them. I googled a question for the loading process and the post I read said to remove them. I must have scanned over it too quickly as I removed the rollers.


Now that I know the proper process, I'll run up and buy another box.

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I would suggest slowing down a bit. Make one exposure, examine the results and if you get nothing on the film, you are obviously doing something wrong. Try to find out what is wroing and how to do it right. That is the whole point of Polaroid, to examine each exposure just after it is made. There is no need to waste two boxes and then find out you did something wrong all along.
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I think I figured it out, for the most part. My main problem was the removed roller. I installed them as well as a new 667 Polaroid pack. After I pulled the initial black tab through the rollers I took a test shot which was over exposed. I turned the shutter speed up and the shot came out ok.


Now another question. There is a dark brownish/gold line across the development. It seems that the space between the rollers is too tight causing the paper to be 'squeezed' a bit too tight. I'll post a scan tomorrow.




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Is the dark brown/gold line about the same width as the white tabs by any chance?


I had this problem is it was caused by pulling out the initial black tab through the wrong slot. You should NOT pull it out through the slot with the little door thing that the 'roid comes out from, you pull it through the thin slot behind that where the tab naturally sits after loading even if the angle is weird it is right. Don't try and poke it through the other slot!

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Yup, that's what I did. I pulled the initial black slot through the opening with the little sprung door. If I pull the next set through the opening before I close the film back, how are the white tabs going to make it through the rollers?
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The white tabs don't go through the rollers. You pull them out of the other slot and it pulls the film tab through the rollers. Grasp that and pull. Say "Polaroid" as you are pulling it as to not pull too fast or slow.


I also had this issue when I first started. No instructions with the back.

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Loading a Polaroid back:


- Don't take out the rollers


- Don't feed anything THROUGH the rollers. Just drop the Polaroid film pack into the Polaroid

back and close it. Pull out the protection paper and you're ready to go.

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Yes, the problem with the Polaroid backs for new users is that loading the back is easier

than one expects and instead of just loading the film pack and closing the back, many try

to feed tabs through rollers or into slots. I was lucky that the back I purchased came with

the instructions. I thought that they were missing something, but the loading procedure is

deceptively simple. Simpler than loading a roll film back.


One thing you may want to make sure of is to occasionally check that the rollers are clear

of chemical residue. An accumulation of gunk there could effect the image.

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