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Moskva 5 concern


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Hello! I Just acquired a Moskva 5, Im out shooting my first roll (the 6x9

format) and everything seems cool-Except the film advance knob becomes very

hard to turn after the first few rotations when advancing into the next frame-

I mean like thumb hurts hard. Very rough, very uncomfortable. Its funny though

because it turns well for that first 1/3 of the way, then there is a sort of

click into place feel, kind of the sensation you might get if the camera had a

No-Double-Wind-Lock mechanism, although I know this camera does not have such

a thing(meaning you can just forward the film as far as you want). Does any of

this sound familiar to anyone? Is there a problem, is it me, or is it the

camera? Anyhelp?


thanks! sam

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The advance knob on mine always seems to be pretty rough - and I do get a sore thumb, so maybe this is just one of the charms of the camera. My Moskva 2 might have a slightly easier advance (but then again, the pressure plate doesn't quite press against the film enough). The camera does have a mechanism that won't allow you to advance film if the shutter is cocked, if I recall correctly. Hope this helps.
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The advance knob on my Moskva 5, never gave me a "sore thumb".


Just follow M. Kovacs advice as he's always right. He gave you the

correct and final answer, that would enable you to fix your camera.


However, you have lost the opportunity to do so, as he graciously offered to help in the Classic Camera Forum. You are going to spend more than the price of the camera itself, sending it to a professional repair place.

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Here on my Mockva 5 #59648XX the advance knob on the left when using the camera works easy.<BR><BR> The spool feeds from the right; it is just held on pins. There is a metal piece in the body that adds a tad of drag or does something. <BR><BR>The Moskva 5 has a double exposure mechanism under the wind knob; an advance allows the vertical shutter rod travel down; towards the tripod socket. After a pressing the shutter button the shutter fires if it was cocked. Upon the next "wind for another exposure" the shutter rod/button should "pop up" about 1/3 mm as the double exposure mechanism resets. <b>If it dosent you probabaly have a gummed up double exposure pawl/mechanism/lockout under the shutter button- windknob area.</b><BR><BR> Before using mine in awhile/months I always shoot and wind say a dozen times to make sure all works ok. For double expsoures you manually fire the shutter at the shutter body; bypassing the mechanism. <BR><BR>If your get a sore thumb check to see if the double exposure lockout is really working. Does the shutter button-rod pop up a grunt when wound for a new exposure? The wind knob will be rotated about 1/2 turn when the shutter button "pops up".<BR><BR> If not too gummed up it will actually make a "click" as it jumps up the massive amount; about say 2 to 4 thicknesses of a sheet of paper.<BR><BR> On mine there is actually a hole in the button that one can see. Its about 1/3 diameter exposed after shutter firing; and about 1/2 to 2/3's exposed when recocked. <BR><BR>The torque here to turn the wind knob really is about the same thru the un-popped up zone or popped up zone; thus maybe/probably you are dragging thru a gummed up double exposure mechanism.<BR><BR>I didnt see Mikes post. My observations an comments are based on the camera I own that I have had since the late 1990's; bought off of ebay from Russia for about 60 bucks. <BR><BR>The camera has a tessar clone lens'; the bellows on mine had one dinky light leak fixed with a dab of liquitex.
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Sam your question states the Moscva 5 doesnt have a double expoure mechanism. re <i>you might get if the camera had a No-Double-Wind-Lock mechanism, although I know this camera does not have such a thing(meaning you can just forward the film as far as you want).</i><BR><BR>The one I own does; and the two others I have seen do too. Thus my guess from the repair standpoint is you are driving with your parking brakes on/mechanism gummed up/fouled; and have a concern over the slower speed to operate your car/camera.
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Sorry if I misled anybody with my post, was just giving my impressions of what happens with my Moskva 5. Seems like the relatively minor resistance I encounter is not of the same order of magnitude as that which Sam encounters, and that something needs attention on his.
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Its its just a stuck double exposure mechanism it just a gummed up; dried up grease situation under the wind knob. A drop of nutblaster or wd40 will often free up the affair. I did this on mine about 6 years ago; but then I took the National Camera repair course in the 1960's too. It you stripped out something under the wind knob then you are in a bigger pickle. It might be cheaper to buy another camera than locate the needle in the haystack part. In junkers that repir chaps often have; often a pile of the same model will yield few spares; if all are striped out the same way. Sometimes all that is required is rebending the abused pawl that was forced to turn.
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Oh and Mike, I loved your diagnosis that you gave in the classic camera forum It was great Help and I very much appreciated it!-but as I am new to photo.net I wasnt sure if posting in a certain forum enabled certain people to read and others not. I simply thought that maybe the question would reach more people in the medium format forum. And, in fact I would love to look you up but unfortunatly for me Im not in Canada, Im not even in the same continent. Kelly, Thank you for your great help! So appreciated! So, I guess this is for Kelly and Mike, the experts here. Its looking like Im going to need to take off the top plate and as Mike stated-have the confidence to disassemble the wind knob to do a little snooping and cleaning. Well, I can say that confidence is not really what I have in this sutuation. My question is: Is this something that I can do with some reading and step following-or would you not suggest a newbe like myself even risk it and leave it to the hands of some proffesional?
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And Kelly, your saying that I would need the wd40 for if I do decide to desasemble the top plate and wind knob-right? or do you mean putting a little in that hole at the top of the shutter button? And also, i would hate to have to go and pay for another one just on this account. Imean, the camera is in great shape and everything seems to be in good working order, its just this one thing....


Thanks again guys!!

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No offense taken. Most cross posts get deleted around here pretty quickly, FYI.


<p>Have you seen <a href="http://www.johndesq.com/moskva5/">HERE?</a> One of my images from my Moskva 5 is hosted there in the guest section. (elephants) Its a very capable camera when working properly. Mine had several issues ranging from a factory defect in the shutter to an inept repairman working on the rangefinder. There are plenty of people out there that should be able to service one of these. Shipping to/from Canada usually makes it uneconomical, so maybe look up somebody like Dean Williams?

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With my camera I never removed anything. I just made the wind knob area the lowest point; ie facing down and placed one drop of PB nutblaster in the wind knob and wound the knob a bunch of times. Then I let the camera sit in this position for awhile so no liquid would get on the bellows. Sometimes a fix like this doesnt last long; other times it does.
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  • 2 months later...
I just received a Moskva 5 I am planning on running some film through it this weekend for the first time. So far the only problem I have run into is that when you wind the wind knob the little red dot gets in the window but as soon as you let go of the knob the little red dot pops out of the whole and I can't take a picture unless I use the front of the lens. Is it possible to fix that? Everything else appears fine.
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