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M7 price in £ is...

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This was in BJP last Wednesday, 27th Feb. Remember though that RRP's

are never charged - the M6 RRP is £1795 but typically it costs £1550.




BJP reported the M7 as having a £100 RRP premium on the M6 (as

above). Even with the retailers hike to grab 'early adopters', M7

shelf prices in the UK should be around £1699.




The US price will always be lower.

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This is one instance where it may be wise to buy from Leica USA (here

in the US) and get the Passport warranty. I wonder what the non-grey

market price will be--probably $2695 for 6 months to a year.




I just shot a few rolls with my CLE indoors at a stage show, and it

still works perfectly--Quiet, compact, accurate auto exposures and

shutter. If it ever breaks and can't be repaired, I'd consider an M7

(unless I could find another CLE that worked!)

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Stewart: I like the hint to the Zambia Kwacha in your thread. When I

used to work for the german aquivalent of the peacecorp in Zambia (a

while back) one Kwacha was worth one british pound!!




This tells a lot about the state of world economy, I´am afraid. And

we are worrying a lot about cameras and lenses.




But I was missing the Euros: the official price is: EUR 3,000.00




Best wishes

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